Approaching Christmas


“When God began to create the heavens and the earth, the earth was complete chaos, and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.”

Genesis 1:1-2


Is it just me or do Christmas decorations go up earlier and earlier each year? It can seem as though Christmas decorations are just a part of the increasing commercialization of Christmas. The brightly lit streets and shopping centers seem designed to encourage people to stay out longer and shop. On the other hand, maybe Christmas decorations are helping the world to encourage and rejoice in its creation.


The creation account in Genesis declares that, first of all, there was nothing. Then, during the week, God began decorating: lights called day and night, sky, land and sea, then living creatures, trees, flowers and vegetation. What a wonderful shop window scene, but it does not even begin to imitate God’s imagination. Every now and then, God steps back and looks at His handiwork and declares it good. God is having fun. And the wonder of it all is that He lets us help. Sometimes, we do well and, at other times, we fall short and He gently helps.


This is a world that needs help and rearranging, maybe even discarding in frustration. He does not despair, but instead uses the birth of a baby to transform everything. The baby boy who is not born into an existing family, but into a new one, an ordinary family surrounded by ordinary people who go about their ordinary lives. And many visitors arrive to greet Him.


When we put up Christmas decorations, they only last a matter of weeks. We pack them away and forget about them for a year. God’s decorations last forever and are on display and brightening our lives all year. A baby has brought light to the world.  

The Rev. Gill B. Keyworth
Deacon, Pastoral Care
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