Resting in God
“You have made us for yourself,
and our hearts are restless till they find rest in you.”
St. Augustine, “Confessions,” Book 1.
Do you sometimes feel restless? Perhaps things in your life are mostly settled, but there are other areas that you feel you can’t control. Because of this, you feel a sense of anxiety. Or, perhaps you feel as though there must be more to life. You are happy with many aspects of your life so far, but somehow, you feel incomplete — there’s something missing.
If you have such feelings, don’t be too alarmed; it’s normal. We are hardwired to feel this way. This is because, as St. Augustine points out in his wonderful book called “Confessions,” God made us for Himself. Because of this natural connection that we have with the divine, we only find rest and contentment when we connect (or reconnect) with God. St. Augustine puts it this way: “… our hearts are restless till they find rest in you.”
For many of us who call ourselves Christians, we “know” that we have a relationship with God. We may have been baptized and raised in the church and even enjoy reading theology. However, there may be occasions when we feel as though God is distant. For others, we might feel as though we have never really connected with God. And we look with bewilderment at our friends who have a vibrant faith. In either case, a feeling of restlessness ensues.
The antidote to restlessness is found in God himself, or rather in our resting in God. For the non-Christian, or for the seeker, this happens when we come to Jesus and pour out our hearts to Him. Doing so makes us whole; it makes us fully human. And the result is a peace that passes all understanding. For the Christian, finding rest in Christ is a continual thing. It happens daily. Each time we confess our sins during worship, we are reminded that our sins are forgiven. Each time we read our Bible and pray, we are reminded of God’s promises. Each time we participate in the divine liturgy of Holy Eucharist, we experience the presence of God. These are all opportunities to connect (or reconnect) with God and to deepen our relationship with him.
As you begin your day today, if you find yourself restless or anxious, remember that you are made to rest. You are made to rest in God. For only in resting in Him will you find contentment and peace.