Taking Stock
“This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, “We will not walk in it.”’”
Jeremiah 6:16, NIV
The new semester has begun, your kids or grandkids are at back at school or preschool, or everyone in your office is back from vacation and the countdown to Thanksgiving has begun. The nights are getting longer, the evenings are now bearably hot, and the dog days of summer are mercifully behind us.
Yet, with every changing season, the demands of life stay the same: the bills need to be paid, the dog walked, meals cooked every night. Laundry, lunches, grocery shopping and the endless treadmill of life keeps us putting one foot in front of the other, even on the days when we’d just like to stay in bed.
I don’t know when you last really looked at the path you were walking. For me, it’s been many months, but as I read these verses today, I’m aware that this is NOT what it says:
“Jog across the street and don’t stop.
Demand the most of yourself, and those around you.
See what the quickest route to success is and don’t stop until you get there.
For then, you will have achieved all you need and be satisfied.”
So often we put off our stocktaking until we reach the next milestone of life – after retirement, after we finish our home renovation, after we raise our kids, after we make it through the parents visiting this weekend – but when Jeremiah is speaking to the people of Judah, they’re at a critical point and they don’t even know it’s coming. Their exile is imminent, but God had sent Jeremiah to the people to give them opportunity to take stock and make some changes.
Where are you running when you should be standing? What intersection of life are you ignoring and just crossing over? Where are you following worldly wisdom instead of heavenly wisdom? These are the questions that can bring us true rest and delight, peace and divine satisfaction. I know I’m praying I have the courage to ask them today, rather than give in to the temptation to just keep on going.
Loving God, help us to stand still, to stop at the crossroads, to observe our life path and our choices, and to look to Your word for a better way forward. Teach us how to rest, repent and find life for our weary souls. Amen.