Introducing the Dairy One and Agro-One Pasture Management Package
The Dairy One Forage Lab and the Agro-One Lab are offering a package to help you better understand your pasture. The package is designed for use in one pasture during a growing season. Testing your pasture from top to bottom (clippings and soil) will tell you what you are providing for your animals and what you might need to supply for your pasture.
Pasture Management Package Includes:
Forage Testing
: You will get 3 Forage testing kits and sample submitting sheets to be used through the grazing season
Soil Testing
: One soil sample to determine the nutrient needs of the pasture (Phosphorus, Potassium, and pH)
: Each forage sample result will come with an interpretive sheet. The sheet will have the Dairy One Forage Lab sample ranges for comparison to your results and some management suggestions for changing your pasture.
Price $75.00
(includes all shipping costs and is a 15% savings over list price)
For More Information Contact:
Phone: 1-800-344-2697 ext. 2172