It's Time For Program Kickoffs
The Program Kickoff is likely one of the most important meetings you will attend this year and is your chance to get everything you need to plan an exciting 2018 – 2019 program. At this unit focused, volunteer driven event, we will distribute the new 2018 – 2019 Council Program Planning Guide, deliver sessions on key elements to a strong and safe unit program from experienced volunteer leaders, and provide answers to all your Scouting questions and concerns
Sign up for Leadership Training
There are many different volunteer roles in the Scouting program. In fact, there are over 6,000 adult volunteers just in Dan Beard Council. Training helps you to understand and support your specific role, and deliver the promise of Scouting to the kids in your unit.
Receive a discount with our Seconds Program – Second week of camp or NYLT at Camp Friedlander
Scouts who wish to come to Camp Friedlander for a second week, within the same year, will receive a discount of half the cost of the regular rate. Our 'Seconds' program allows Scouts to experience all the fun camp has to offer in addition to working towards additional merit badges. The half-off second week promotion also extends to Scouts attending NYLT and Camp Friedlander Summer Camp
Camp Cards – Helping Scouts Raise funds for Summer Fun!
Hundreds of local Scout Units started selling Camp Cards this week to help raise funds to support their Scouting activities this summer. Many new big name brands were added to this year’s card including, Burger King, Papa John’s, Popeye’s Chicken, Sports Clips Haircuts, Family Dollar, Firehouse Subs, Gold Star Chili, and more. Your unit can still get cards if you are interested.
Summer Camp Registration
Summer Camp registration deadline is coming up quick!
Camp Friedlander:
Join us for our "Wake Up The Blob" event where we will offer units the opportunity to come out prior to camp and have some fun on the blob. The purpose of this event will be to facilitate a number of swim tests prior to your unit's arrival at Camp Friedlander. Due to National Standards, with respect to Aquatics Supervision, we are only able to operate at a 10 (participant) to 1 (BSA Lifeguard) ratio. With this to consider, we are requiring
Cub World
Payment Deadline is coming up quick! If you are planning on coming to camp, register and pay by
May 16th
. Our Camp T-Shirt Program is better than ever this year. We are excited to bring you CUSTOMIZED T-Shirts with your Unit Number Printed on them!
REGISTER AND PAY IN FULL BY MAY 16th, and we will customize your shirt with your Pack Number for FREE!
On May 16th, at end of business day, a roster will be downloaded of all those units that are paid in full and customize one shirt for each participant.
Customized T-Shirts are available for ALL Packs at a cost of just $1.50 per shirt if added after the payment deadline.
Cincinnati Reds Scout Days
Cincinnati Reds Scout Partnerships
There are two unique and fun Cincinnati Reds opportunities
for your Scouts to participate in this year.
Reds Scout Service Day:
Saturday, May 19th
Scouts team up with the Reds and Keep Cincinnati Beautiful to do a day of service at a local park. Scouts and families get discounted tickets to the game that evening for some fun at the ballpark!
Reds Scout Overnight:
Saturday, September 29th
Scouts get the unique experience of camping out on the Reds outfield and watching a movie on the giant digital scoreboard! Enjoy discounted Scout tickets, fun games, a pre-game walk around the warning track and more.
Looking for Crew Advisers for Philmont Scout Ranch in 2018-2019
Have you dreamt of spending two weeks advising Scouts as they have the experience of a lifetime at the Philmont Scout Ranch? The Dan Beard Council is looking for adult Scouters to serve as Crew Advisers for our Council Philmont Contingents. We have opportunities in 2019, and even have an opening for 2018
Upcoming Training and Programs
- Ft. Hamilton Training Day – 5/5 Springdale Nazarene Church 8:30 am – 12 pm (Troop Committee Challenge, SM/ASM Specifics, Den Leaders and Cubmasters)
- 2018 Nature Adventure Day – 5/10
- IOLS Training – 5/18-19
- William Henry Harrison Sports Breakfast – 5/22 Wunderland Banquet Hall 7:00 am – 9:30 am
Tiger Treks:
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Tiger Treks is an exciting event designed specifically for Kindergarten graduates, 1st grade Tigers recruited this spring, and their families. Activities typically include things like outdoor games, BB guns, hiking and more.
Dan Beard Council's Upcoming Events - Save the Date!
Buy 2 pairs of Thorlos hiking socks and receive 25% off* online and in-store. Offer valid April 30th - May 30th.