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P.F. Bresee
"We are debtors to every man to give him the gospel in the same measure in which we have received it" 

The "Preparing the Way"Nicaragua 2014 outreach was a huge success. The good news was preached, Jesus was lifted up, the angels rejoiced and territory was reclaimed with the sounding of the Shofar.

Although we had some 7 teams members suffering from stomach problems and we were unable to attend the second night, it didn't stop some six different pastors from preparing the way for our Lord.

For HIS Glory,

Dan Salas

University of Alabama
Spring Break

Tuscaloosa Campus
Church of the Highlands in Birmingham sent 18 of some of their best to help in Nicaragua.

They worked and played very hard. They fed the hungry and gave the thirsty something to drink, they shared their testimonies and loved all who came in contact with them.

They made a difference. Thank you, once again Teamnagua.

The Broken Hearted
Sharing encouragement
Loving the unloved

In downtown Costa Rica what some may refer to as Heartbreak Hotel, we had gone to help.
While one sat and wept reeking from rubbing alcohol they had drunk, others quickly consumed their dinner.
We encouraged all and prayed with many. We met a man who showed us knife and gunshot wounds from a hard life.
He then explained with joy he had been sober for 4 days. Special thanks to Parker Nash for sharing and praying for those in need.
The first quarter of 2014 has taken us to Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. We have held three "Preparing the Way" campaigns, hosted a leadership conference and fed the hungry. 
We also have taken on a new building project and provided and helped install the floor joist for the second floor of a church. 
Most importantly the gospel has been preached and people were born again.
Thank You, for sending us to the nations.
For HIS Glory,
Dan & Cindy Salas