Dancing in My Dendrites!
  We launched Dave's music video of his song "Dancing in My Dendrites" during Brain Awareness week. If you haven't seen the video yet, here it is for your enjoyment!
 Feel free to share on your social media!

Upcoming Webinar
Dave Siever will be presenting a webinar on "C auses of Dysarousal in the Brain"  Thursday, April 14th, 2016 at 1:00 pm MDT. This is Module 1 of the Saybrook University course "Stimulation Technologies" and you get to take part at no cost. Anyone is welcome to join this free webinar!

Here is the link :
Or, call in using your telephone.
 Dial +1 (571) 317-3122; Access Code: 116-189-933  
AAPB Conference Update
Dave presented his workshop
"Stimulation Technologies - The New Black" and other breakout sessions  at the
AAPB Conference in Seattle, WA
Mar 9 - 12, 2016 

This year Dave was very busy at the AAPB Annual Conference in Seattle. 

He started with a brain dissection lab led by Dr. Gerald Kozlowski and Dr. John LeMay.  

Given that his  article on Stim Tech was published in the Winter issue of Biofeedback Magazine , there were plenty of practitioners interested in seeing his workshop and lectures. The full-day "Stimulation Technologies" workshop was well attended.

On Thursday, Dave participated in two break-out sessions. The morning session was with Jean Tang, where she presented her research using AVE to treat insomnia and then Dave followed up with our studies on AVE The afternoon session was with Dr. Richard Sherman and Dr. Cynthia Kerson, where they took turns presenting on biofeedback and stimulation technologies. 

Dave's Saturday lecture was his highlight of the conference! He presented brand new research on using AVE to help recover from brain injuries where the head has been severely shaken (known as diffuse-axonal closed-head injury) where the EEG shows as low voltage with a loss of alpha. The audience was impressed to see that AVE "jump-started" these brains and had them back on track within 30 minutes of AVE stimulation. 

Dave was also very grateful to be able to catch up with many friends and colleagues while at the conference!

Brain Awareness Week Videos
Dave shared ways that he makes his mind alive through video recordings and our staff members also joined in with ways that they keep their minds alive.
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 written by Brain &Vision

#GoForGold #BeYourBest #Uptrain #PeakPerformance
Upcoming Training Dates
Syntonics Conference in Indianapolis on Saturday, June 11, 2016
8:30 -10:30 am
 "Colors of the Brain (EEG and QEEG) and the Use of Audio-Visual Entrainment in its Restoration" by Dave Siever, C.E.T.
Nov 17-18, 2016 at the Stens Workshop  in Austin, TX
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