Danielle Smith has made headlines recently for her proposal to require parental involvement in gender-related medical decisions for minors.

Smith’s proposal is an important acknowledgment that parents are not bystanders in their children’s lives, but active participants who deserve a seat at the operating table. It’s encouraging to see a leader who is willing to take bold steps to protect children through the rights of parents.

But there’s still more work to do. While Smith’s proposal ensures parental involvement in gender treatments, it doesn’t yet address one of the most isolating issues facing minors today: parental consent for abortion.

Here’s the real kicker: in Alberta, a teenage girl can walk into a clinic, get an abortion, and her parents won’t know a thing about it. No consent, no notification—just a sterile procedure funded by the very people who are being kept in the dark. The parents, blind to it all, are footing the bill through their hard-earned tax dollars, paying for something they might not even be aware of. 

If Alberta’s government insists on abortion being "just another medical procedure," then shouldn’t it be treated like one?

The truth is, most legitimate medical procedures performed on minors—whether it’s surgery, medication, or even dental work—require the consent of a parent or guardian. So why should it be any different when it comes to abortion?

This double standard raises an important question: if parental consent is vital for decisions far less consequential, how can it be dismissed when the stakes are as high as ending a life?

A child might be being exploited or trafficked and the only evidence may be her pregnancy. Minors should not be able to undergo abortions without their parents at least being notified. That's just common sense.

If a parent’s permission is needed for something as benign as a school trip to the zoo, shouldn’t it be required for a life-altering decision like abortion? No child should face the burden of a life-or-death decision alone.

Danielle Smith has shown that she is willing to listen to grassroots Albertans, and this is our chance to make our voices heard. We need to encourage her to go further and extend her proposal to require parental consent for all major medical decisions involving minors, including abortion.

Whether it’s surgery, hormone treatments, or abortion, parents need to be involved. They are the ones who know their children best, who can offer the emotional, moral, and practical support these decisions require.

The truth is, most Albertans agree with us. Across the province people believe that parents should be involved in the major decisions affecting their children’s lives - including abortion.

Danielle Smith has already taken a significant step forward by acknowledging the importance of parental consent. Now, we need to encourage her to finish the job and ensure that all children are protected by the same standard. It's also official UCP policy, after all.

Official UCP Policy - 206.5b

This is a critical moment. Smith has demonstrated that she values the voices of Alberta’s families and is willing to listen to the concerns of everyday people. We must seize this opportunity to call for comprehensive parental consent laws that leave no child behind.

I urge you to join me in supporting Danielle Smith’s efforts and in encouraging her to take the next step. Let’s make sure that parental consent is required for every major medical decision involving minors, including abortion.

Click Here To Email Premier Smith (Sample Email Below)


Dear Premier Smith,

Thank you for recognizing the importance of parental notification for gender-related decisions for minors—a crucial safeguard for families. However, we need to ensure that all minors, including those seeking an abortion, are protected by the same standard. As you know, this is already official UCP policy (206.5b).

I urge you to finish the job and ensure parents are involved in every life-altering medical decision their children face.


[Your Name]

Thank you for taking action. Together, we can make sure that parental consent isn’t just a talking point, but a reality—for all children, and all the tough decisions they face.

Yours in the fight for life,

~Your Prolife Alberta Team

PS: Take action now by contacting Premier Smith: premier@gov.ab.ca You can also compound your impact by reaching out to your MLA (find them here).

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