Based on the book, WORK THE POND! by Darcy Rezac, Judy Thomson & Gayle-Hallgren-Rezac
No. 398 September 11, 2011
Two Lists, Three People. We have been saving this tip for the fall. We didn’t want the campers and beach sitters to miss this tip because we think it’s terrific. Paul Nazareth, a passionate philanthropic advisor with Scotia Private Client Group, is one of the best connectors we know. He is a true Positive Networker and he recently shared this advice on how he helps others and how his dream job found him. "Have two lists of your three key people: The top three people you would love to work for and the top three people you would love to have work for you. Then instead of the usual direct channels of phone, email and face-to-face, be sure to regularly engage through passive networks like LinkedIn updates, Twitter shout outs and blog posts. They won't read every one but they will always know where you are, what skills you're gaining and where to find you." Why not take Paul's advice and try this starting now? And, if you have been away during the summer we've done some excellent blog posts on Building your Network. This is an important focus in these uncertain economic times--you never needed a network more!
--Darcy, Gayle and Judy
Work The Pond! is now a downloadable ebook. On Kindle On Apple devices On Barnes & Noble

Use the Power
of Positive Networking
to Leap Forward
in Work and Life
by Darcy Rezac
Judy Thomson &
Gayle Hallgren-Rezac
Available at:
Our tips are now available through twitter! 