CLEAN RESTROOMS – “Lack of ventilation” is no excuse for lack of cleanliness. If anything, it is more of a reason to keep it clean. Whether a restroom is 40 years old or 1-day new, regular and thorough cleaning is the only known method to maintain sanitary conditions. – TRUTH!
Co-operation and communication are virtually non-existent between boat owners and harbor management. Intimidation and retaliation for speaking about fee increases, lack of dock maintenance, and other issues to harbor management is a severe problem that must stop immediately. Boaters deserve to be heard without fear of reprisal!
Now is the time for action. Continue to write, include photos, and ask questions. DPBA listens to boaters, advocates on your behalf, and appreciates your communication and support.
Write to the county supervisor:
Lisa A. Bartlett
Supervisor, Fifth District
333 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Office: (714) 834-3350
Write to the press media outlets:
Orange County Register:
Contact - Erica L. Ritchie – Email:
Voice of OC:
Contact - Brandon Pho – Email:
The Log:
Contact – Jordan B. Darling – Email:
Dana Point Times:
Contact – Lillian Boyd – Email:
Dana Point Boaters Association advocates for boaters with diligent efforts to keep you informed. We greatly appreciate your generous donations to the Association and Legal Fund. Together we will continue the keep Dana Point Harbor the sparkling example of affordable and accessible access to the Pacific ocean for everyone.
“Do the right thing because it is the right thing.” – Victoria Winters