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Weekly eNews - April 20, 2023
Mayor's Message
“Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” - Andy DuFresne (Shawshank Redemption)

This past Easter Sunday, as I sat in church and observed the congregation, I thought how wonderful it was to see so many people of all ages who dressed up beautifully to gather and celebrate the hope which truly lies at the heart of the Easter season. In a world that sometimes appears so full of hatred and dread, here was a church gathering of individuals celebrating their hope in our collective future. We have a deadly war going on in Ukraine, mass shootings occurring weekly, polarization in our political structure and social media platforms that are used to denigrate others without thought to the harm it might cause. Despite these dire descriptions, I choose, as did so many in that church, to believe and hope in a future where the goodness of people will greatly outweigh the negativity that seems so prevalent in our society.

Take some time to seek that which is positive in your life and expand that, and look at those occurrences in our society that exemplify that which is positive and good. I can find examples in my own life, where people took time to assist me or to assist one of my love ones. Finally, take a look at our broader society and you will find stories of people helping others; the neighbor who offers to help an aging resident with household maintenance, the individual who decides to donate a kidney to someone in their community, and the woman who drives her neighbor or friend to his or her chemo or kidney dialysis treatment. I could go on with more examples, and if you really gave thought it, you could come up with your own list of these acts of kindness. Each of these instances give us hope, that despite that which appears so wrong, we are a good people with a genuine love and concern for one another. Deep down, each of us has probably assisted, in some way, at making our world a better place to live. Think about Andy DuFresne from Shawshank Redemption, serving time for a crime he did not commit; it would have been easy for him to have given up hope, and yet he offers his friend Red hope for the future when he tells him, “Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

Andy offered Red an opportunity to look at a future through hopeful eyes; may we all take time to look at the goodness in our society with a hope for a wonderful future.
West Suburban Chamber
Legislative Breakfast

Mayor Marchese participated in a panel for the West Suburban Chamber of Commerce & Industry legislative breakfast earlier this month along with LaGrange Mayor Dr. Jim Dicipio and Neal James of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus. They discussed the Local Government Distributive Fund and the reasons the state needs to restore it to full funding.
City Officials Attend 2023 Legislative
Action Program

Alderwoman Mary Sullivan, Alderman Joe Kenny, Mayor Joe Marchese, and Administrator Bryon Vana attended the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference 2023 Legislative Action Program in Springfield this week. The attendees were lobbying at the capitol in support of funding for public safety and infrastructure. The coalition of cities and villages working together fosters collaboration and advocates for excellence in municipal government. City and county governments invest LGDF revenue, generated from our residents and business, into the essential services our communities rely on every day. Restoring LGDF will allow city and county leaders across the state to make local investment decisions to improve the safety and quality of life of our communities.
Celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 22

Earth day is a great day to start looking at ways we can each protect and respect our beautiful planet. Check out the following tips for ways you can help take care of Earth every day of the year!

  • Following the 3 R's. Look for ways you can Reduce, Reuse and Recycle throughout your home. You’ll save natural resources, energy and money, and you’ll reduce waste sent to landfills.

  • Conserving energy at home. From turning off lights and electronics when not in use, to using a programmable thermostat, to changing your air filter regularly, there are many small things you can do to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while saving money on your utility bills.

  • Reducing paper waste and junk mail. Think twice before printing things at work and home. You can reduce your mail by using online payment options that avoid paper bills. And there are services that will remove your name from unwanted mailing lists to reduce junk mail.

  • Recycling your electronics. Your old, unused or broken computers, tablets, phones and other electronics can often be recycled for free by stores, manufacturers and local governments, which saves natural resources while also reducing pollution.

  • Giving your car a break. Whether you're commuting to work or running errands, you just might be able to leave your car at home, even a few times a week. Walk, ride a bike, carpool or take public transportation. You'll save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and get more exercise.

  • Turning off the tap. Whether you're brushing your teeth, washing dishes, or taking a shower, turn off the water when it's not needed.

  • Replace your bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and LED bulbs may cost more than incandescent bulbs, but they will save money over the long run, last longer, and use up to 90 percent less energy.

  • Bringing your own bags to the store. Use a backpack or bag from home, or buy reusable bags that you can keep in your car and use again and again.

  • Buying local. Buying local produce and other items reduces shipping distances from food sourced overseas, and also supports local businesses and communities.

  • Acting local. Get involved in environmental work in your local community. Local schools, governments, and non-profit organizations often offer opportunities for volunteers to get involved in cleaning up parks, restoring habitats, and other efforts to make communities greener
Branch Pick-Up - April 24 - 28

The first Branch Pick-Up week for the 2023 year will be April 24 - 28. The City of Darien is pleased to offer FREE BRANCH PICKUP for all residents within our boundaries.

To help keep the streets clean and our crews on schedule, please stack the branches neatly by the curb on the Sunday before the pickup week. The chipper can accept branches up to 6” in diameter. Please do not tie the branches or put in garbage cans. All other yard waste such as grass clippings and flowers should be disposed of through our yard waste program with LRS. Learn more.
Darien's 24th Annual Arbor Day Celebration

Join our Arbor Day celebration on Friday, April 28, at 9:30 a.m. at Ridgewood Park. This annual event is always fun and memorable, so be sure to put it on your calendars! The event activities will include:

  • Learning more about trees with Beth Bengston from The Morton Arboretum.
  • Butterflies raised by students from Lace School, Cass Jr. High and Kingswood Academy will be released during this event.
  • Sharon Convalle will emcee the event and sing the Peace Tree Song.
  • Mayor Joe Marchese will speak about Darien’s Arbor Day program.
  • The Tree Chaplain will perform an ecumenical blessing over our 2023 Arbor Day tree.
  • And much more! Learn more about the event here.
Planning and Zoning Commission Opening

The City of Darien is looking for a dedicated volunteer to serve on our Planning and Zoning Commission. Volunteers for our Planning and Zoning Commission should be Darien residents who have experience in or knowledge of zoning ordinances and the development review process. If you are interested, please complete the application for service online:
Darien's Community Calendar

Want to know what's happening in your city? Check out Darien's Community Calendar on the City's website. The calendar features City events as well as community events, making it easy for you to see what is happening in Darien! Check it out here.
Mulch Delivery in Darien

Wood chip delivery is available from the City of Darien, for City of Darien Residents. There is a delivery fee of $35.00 for a half load, which is approximately 3 cubic yards of chips, and $55.00 for a full load, which is approximately 8 cubic yards of chips. Wood chips may be picked up at the Public Works facility at no charge. The wood chips are double ground and are delivered on Fridays. Please call Municipal Services at 630-353-8105 for more information or to schedule a delivery.
Business Spotlight - Wayback Burgers

Wayback Burgers Darien and the Stack family are the local owners of the International franchise. They opened their location on November 20, 2021, and have been very happy in Darien. John and Julie have gotten to know many local repeat customers. They want all individuals, families and groups to feel welcome in their retro fast-casual restaurant. Wayback Burgers' food is fresh and made to order.

They strive to not have people wait too long for their food. When they are busy, most people understand and appreciate that the food is made for them. They complete each order as it comes in, online or in person. Community is important to Wayback and to the Stacks. The many signs in the restaurant remind everyone to Respect the Wayback Way and appreciate good food. The Stack family hopes to see you soon at 2425 75th Street.
Door to Door Solicitors

Springtime always brings an increase in door-to-door solicitations in our neighborhoods. For those of you who do not want solicitors to ring their doorbells, you can post a sign on their front door indicating “No Solicitors Invited.”

Darien requires that solicitations from for-profit organizations need to apply for a permit, which includes an application for each solicitor they employ. Once the permit application is completed and submitted including authorization from the company, a background check is conducted. Upon approval and receipt of the appropriate fee, a thirty-day permit will be issued.

Charitable organizations, however, only need to provide a letter indicating the dates of solicitation, the type of solicitation, and if appropriate, the intersections where volunteers will be posted.

Residents who would like to deter solicitors from their home may pick up a free “No Solicitors Invited” decal for their front door at City Hall (1702 Plainfield Road) or the Darien Police Dept. (1710 Plainfield Road). If a home solicitor fails to show you a city permit or you think the solicitation is a scam please call 911 immediately to report it.
Seasonal Employment Opportunity
Public Works Department

The City of Darien is accepting applications for summer employment for its Public Works Department. Applicants must be 18 years of age and have a valid driver’s license. Work involves manual labor and is primarily outdoors. The starting salary is $18.75. Applications can be obtained online under Employment-Opportunities. Applications can be sent to the City of Darien at 1702 Plainfield Rd., Darien, Il. 60561 or emailed to
Storm Drain Reminders -
Only Rain Down the Drain

Have you ever wondered where exactly the stuff that runs into a storm drain goes? The mysterious pipes hidden beneath those metal grates on your street corner usually connect to a nearby river or creek. In some places, storm drains send water underground, and these aquifers are even harder to clean up than streams. That’s why storm drains are only for the rain and snowmelt! Help ensure that our rivers and drinking water sources are clean by keeping pollution out of neighborhood storm drains. You can also help by checking the drains in your neighborhood to keep them clear of leaves and other debris to reduce water pollution.
Community News & Events
Darien Rotary Club’s Casino Night

Save the date for Darien Rotary Club’s Casino Night event on Tuesday, April 25th, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. There will be food, drink, raffles, and casino games. All attendees have a chance to win a trip for two to the Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas with airfare included!

The event will be held at Ashyana Banquets at 1620 75th St in Downers Grove. Register here.
DGC Sprouts Meeting - April 26

Be inspired to plant sunflowers and learn how your children can contribute to community science in a big way! We will welcome special guest Delanie who, as a 5th grader, created the DuPage Sunflower Project. Delanie will talk about her mission to plant a sunflower at every home in DuPage County to inspire happiness and save the planet. All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Find more info and register here.
Darien Garden Club Plant Exchange

Please join us on May 1, at 6:30 pm, for an evening of sharing, creating, and renewing friendships as we host our annual plant exchange! You’ll find all the details when you register to attend the event here.
Spring Birding Experience - May 7

An afternoon of birding fun is coming up as Indian Prairie Public Library, Darien Garden Club, and DuPage Birding Club collaborate to celebrate Spring Bird Migration in early May.

Educator/naturalist John Cebula from DuPage Birding Club will present a lecture on how to enjoy birding during the annual spring migration. Register here.

You can also join the fun outdoors in Keshav’s Garden at the library. There will be kid-friendly activities and more birding information for all. Learn more here.
DGC Garden Bazaar and Plant Sale - June 3

The club is kicking off National Garden Week with a Garden Bazaar and Plant Sale on Saturday, June 3, 9am - 3pm. Offerings include natives, perennials, container gardens, vegetables, herbs, crafts, and vintage garden decor. Complimentary Oak saplings will be available from Bartlett Tree Experts. Master Gardeners will provide guidance to all, and our Sprouts Youth Club will feature activities for children and families, including lemonade from Chuck’s Cafe. Click here for more information. Much appreciation to the sponsors Bartlett Tree Experts and Chuck’s Café.
Darien Park District - Summer Program Registration is Open

It is time to register for summer programming at the Park District! Check out the Summer Program Guide and register here. Let's get ready for a summer of fun!
Safety Village Registration Now Available for Summer Classes

The mission of Darien Safety Village is to teach children about many areas of safety. The classes are geared toward younger children, ages 5 to 7 and 8 to 10.

Registration is now available for summer classes; visit here or call (630) 968-0777.
Darien Police Weekly Press Release
The Darien Police Department issues a press release each week.
Darien Events and Happenings
Check out the City Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and events
Check out the Community Calendar for the news on events from Darien community organizations!
Connect with us!

Mayor Joe Marchese, (630) 200-2390

Bryon Vana, City Administrator,
(630) 353-8114

City Hall (630) 852-5000

Police Department (630) 971-3999

Community Development (630) 353-8115
Visit the City of Darien's website for information on City services.
Follow us on Facebook at @CityofDarien.
Follow us on Twitter at @CityofDarien.
Follow the Darien Police Department on Twitter at @DarienPolice.
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