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Weekly eNews - August 24, 2023
Mayor's Message
“Sometimes the objects we hold dear give away who we are even more than the people we love.” 

   - Guillermo del Toro

Are you a sentimental person? Many people will answer “No” because, in our society, sentimentality is viewed by many as a weakness. Before you answer that question, stop a second, read, and give thought to the following quote:

“Feeling sentimental can give you a sense of belonging and make you feel a strong connection to people, a place, or an experience. This is something we all feel from time to time! Our lives are made up of so many moments, and cherishing those moments can be a really positive thing!”

Now, before you answer my first question, let me ask you to consider the following questions: Do you still have that jewelry passed down to you by your mother or grandmother, what about the baby clothing worn by your now teen-age daughter or son, or do you keep picture books of family vacations? Answering these questions, and so many others might be your clue as to your level of sentimentality. Personally, I believe that as we get older, we become more sentimental; we reminisce about events past, and people now gone who touched or impacted our lives. Many of us attach feelings to objects such as those mentioned above because they remind us of moments and people that we truly cherish.

This whole topic of sentimentality came to mind this week as Cathy and I watched a work crew dismantle our 38-year-old outdoor deck. As we watched the workers, it occurred to us that 38 years ago our deck was built by my father, my brother-in-law, and Cathy’s father. A lot of TLC went into building it, and with my father and her father now gone, there was a degree of sadness in watching it being torn down. While there were a number of reasons why we made the decision to replace it, we felt somehow as if we were again saying goodbye to our fathers.

I realize that what I just shared may not make sense to you, but stop a minute and ask yourself if you can relate to my story. While I know that many of you may scoff at the idea that being sentimental is a positive emotion, I truly believe, that cherishing a moment, a person, or a place can be a positive experience in our lives. Our deck may have only been a wooden structure, but as we watched it being taken down, we had some beautiful memories of our fathers and how they worked together to create a structure that has served us well over the last 38 years. Honestly, tell me that you wouldn’t mind having an experience as beautiful as ours.
Don't Drive Drunk this Labor Day- Saturation Saturday

MADD and Law Enforcement Partners are taking action to prevent drunk driving, which soars as we head into Labor Day weekend. Take steps to prevent drunk driving by drinking responsibly, planning to have a designated driver, and not letting friends drive while impaired.

  • Labor Day weekend is one of the worst times for drunk driving deaths. 
  • Prevention starts early, and on August 26th, MADD is partnering with law enforcement for our annual “Saturation Saturday.” 
  • Saturation Saturday is a time when we aim to “saturate” communities with facts, tips, law enforcement patrols and sobriety checkpoints to stop impaired driving. 
  • These special efforts continue through Labor Day and coincide with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.
Sensus Analytics Portal for Water Customers
Recently, the County of Dupage and the City of Darien have completed the Sensus Meter Changeout Program. Thank you to All for making the program a success. As part of our ongoing partnership with the County of DuPage we would like to announce that DuPage County Public Works and City of Darien water utility customers may monitor their water usage in near-real time thanks to the Sensus Analytics Customer Portal, a web-based, interactive application that gives customers access to their water meter accounts. Additional information will be included in your next billing invoice. Customer portal features include:
  • Easy-to-read usage charts, graphs, tips and more
  • Easier access to information
  • Ability to get notifications by setting water usage thresholds

Sign up for Sensus Analytics Customer Portal is easy. Just follow these steps:
  • Visit
  • Click on “Need to set up an account?” on the bottom of the page and provide an email address
  • Sensus will send an email confirmation containing a link
  • Click on the link contained in the confirmation email to access the signup page

Enter the CUSTOMER#-ACCOUNT# (for example 123456-12345678) associated with the account (which can be found on your DuPage County Public Works utility bill), as well as your name as it appears on the utility bill, and a password that uses numbers, symbols and both capital and lower-case letters.
Back to School - Safe Drop-Offs and Pick-Ups

Most schools have specific guidelines for drop-off and pick-up. They create these guidelines to keep children safe during these high-traffic times, so be sure to review them carefully. Here are some general guidelines from the National Safety Council to get you started:

  • Don't double park; it blocks visibility for other children and vehicles
  • Don't load or unload children across the street from the school
  • Carpool to reduce the number of vehicles at the school
  • Don't block crosswalks
  • Do slow down
Darien Rocks the Greens Summer Concerts at Carriage Greens
Mark your calendars for the final show of the summer next Thursday, August 31, with Reckless. This talented group of musicians are ready to bring their high-powered, high-energy, rock, pop, dance and country covers to the beautiful Carriage Greens in just 2 weeks! We can't wait to see you there.
Prevent Rabies: Be Safe, Never Touch a Bat

It's the time of year when bats are most active and the DuPage County Health Department wants residents to remember to never touch or capture bats, especially in your home.

Rabies is a deadly virus that can infect humans and other mammals if we are bitten by an infected animal. Rabies can also be contracted when saliva from a rabid animal gets directly into the eyes, nose, mouth, or a wound.

If you have been bitten or exposed to a bat, seek immediate medical attention. If you wake up and find a bat in the room, it is considered an exposure, even if no bite marks are visible. Learn more here.
Road Work - 67th St. & Clarendon Hills Rd.

There will be limited ongoing road delays at 67th St. & Clarendon Hills Rd. due to Com Ed utility work.

  • The Traffic Signals will not be activated for several weeks, due to Com Ed, AT&T and Comcast.
  • Sod will begin to be placed after September 1.
  • Pedestrian Signals- Further safety enhancements include a pedestrian crosswalk on Clarendon Hills Road south of Roger Road.
  • The crosswalks fronting Hinsdale South High School are being modified and will also include pedestrian signals.
Public Hearing - September 6

The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 6, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1702 Plainfield Rd.

The purpose of the public hearing will be to hear testimony from interested persons and make a recommendation on CASE NO. PZC2023-07. View the full notice here.
Cemetery Walk

Join us on Saturday, September 16 at 1:00 p.m. for a tour of select gravesights of area residents at St. John Lutheran Cemetery. Docents in period dress will portray these early settlers and give first person narratives about their lives and contributions, including insight into local history.

This event is family friendly and includes a Civil War re-enactment! View the full flyer here.
Community News & Events
Click on the links below for more information on these upcoming community events!
August 19 - Community Shredding Event: link

August 23 - DGC Sprouts Show and Tell: link

August 25 - Golfing for Wishes - Make a Wish Fundraiser: link

August 27 - DGC Sprouts Pickle Party: link
Darien Police Weekly Press Release
The Darien Police Department issues a press release each week.
Darien Events and Happenings
Check out the City Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and events
Check out the Community Calendar for the news on events from Darien community organizations!
Connect with us!

Mayor Joe Marchese, (630) 200-2390

Bryon Vana, City Administrator,
(630) 353-8114

City Hall (630) 852-5000

Police Department (630) 971-3999

Community Development (630) 353-8115
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