The following email provides timely information on news and services
from the City of Darien.
Weekly eNews - February 15, 2024
Mayor's Message
Life offers us moments that, like a photograph, we want to hold in our hearts, never wanting that picture or its contents to change. This past weekend was one of those moments when, during our watching of the Super Bowl, I looked around the room with my sons, their wives, and my sister-in-law and her husband, and thought to myself how fortunate I am to have these people in my life. I often tell myself that life is really about creating good memories, remembrances that will be recalled and enjoyed long after they have taken place. As Joanna Gaines states, “Time together as a family is a gift,” and our gathering on Superbowl Sunday was one of those occasions where I truly appreciated the gift of family.
Maybe according to some, I am overstating our gathering, after all, many families like mine spent time together that day cheering on their favored team, enjoying good food each other’s company. I am not saying that our gathering was anything different, except that having all of us together, even for a Superbowl party, gave me a chance to look around the room, knowing how important all of these people are in my life. How often do we really think about how important our families are and what our lives would be like without being surrounded by those who make us “part of something very wonderful.” The next time you gather as a family, take a “mental photograph” of those around you and appreciate your gift of family.
Food Pantry Collection
In celebration of our 2024 Citizen of the Year, Valerie Kazich, items will be collected for a food drive at the Citizen of the Year event (see below). Items collected will be donated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel food pantry in Darien. If you are unable to attend the dinner, donations can be dropped off at Darien City Hall. Find out what items the pantry is collecting here.
2024 Citizen of the Year - Valerie L. Kazich
Congratulations to Valerie Kazich, Darien's 2024 Citizen of the Year! Please join us in celebrating Val's accomplishments at our annual recognition event on Friday, March 8, at Alpine Banquets, 8230 S. Cass Avenue, Darien. Cocktails – 6 p.m. / Dinner – 7 p.m. Learn more and register here.
Holiday Service Update - Presidents' Day
City Hall will be closed in observation of Presidents' Day on Monday, February 19. Refuse collection will not be affected and will continue as scheduled.
Be A Good Neighbor
Just a friendly reminder to please pick up after your dog. We are fortunate to have many sweet pups in our community; but if you don’t watch your step, you’re liable to step in a reminder of all those furry friends!
Besides being unsightly and smelly, animal waste can be hazardous to the health of our children who play in the community and to other pets. One of the most common forms of disease transmission between dogs is through fecal matter. Always take a baggie along on every walk to pick up your dog's waste immediately and dispose of it properly.
By taking a few simple steps to clean up after your pet, you can contribute not only to the beautification of our community but also to the elimination of one of the most irritating nuisances in our community. Please keep in mind that if you are spotted not cleaning up after your pet, you may be fined for a violation of Darien’s public nuisance code. Thank you for your cooperation!
City Council Meeting - February 20
City Council will meet on Tuesday, February 20 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall at 1702 Plainfield Road.
The agenda will be posted here.
Budget Meetings
The Administrative / Finance Committee-of-the-Whole will be holding Budget meetings at City Hall at 1702 Plainfield Road on the following days:
- Wednesday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, February 27 at 6:30 p.m.
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Cancelled
The Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting scheduled for February 21 has been cancelled. Check the community calendar for future meetings.
General Primary Election - March 19
The General Primary Election is coming up next month on March 19 - are you ready to vote? Check here to see if you are registered, find your polling place, and view a sample ballot. Vote early at locations across the county - find one near you here.
There are also employment opportunities available for Election Judge and Election Worker positions. Find more information here on these openings.
Beware of IRS Scams
Residents are reminded to be aware that criminals continue to make aggressive calls posing as IRS agents in hopes of stealing taxpayer money or personal information. Keep in mind that the IRS initiates most contacts through regular mail delivered by the USPS.
When in doubt, report the call. Here are some signs to help you identify scams:
The IRS will never:
- Call to demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer.
- Threaten to immediately bring in local police or other law enforcement groups to have the taxpayer arrested for not paying.
- Demand that taxes be paid without giving taxpayers the opportunity to question or appeal the amount owed.
- Call unexpectedly about a tax refund.
Taxpayers who receive these phone calls should:
- Record the number and then hang up the phone immediately.
- Report the call to TIGTA online or by calling 800-366-4484.
Check out the IRS website to learn more about other common scams and how to avoid them.
American Heart Month
Listen to your heart. Raise your voice. Protect your health. Women are often subject to delayed recognition, diagnosis, and treatment for heart attacks. Let's band together this month to educate ourselves and our loved ones on heart health.
Taking care of your heart can be as simple as the ABCS. Talk with your health care team about Aspirin, Blood pressure control, Cholesterol management, and Smoking cessation. Find out more about the ABCs from Million Hearts and start protecting your heart health today.
Be in the Know - Help Spread the Word
Darien’s Direct Connect E-Newsletter (DC) is the City’s primary source of information for residents and businesses. Please tell your friends and neighbors about DC, forward this email to them, and ask them to sign up. Signing up is simple and can be done here.
Click on the links below for more information on these upcoming community events!
Lions Club Big Raffle 2024: link
Community Blood Drive - February 21: link
Darien Woman’s Club 2024 Creative Youth Art Fair - February 25: link
Darien Garden Club Sprouts: Maple Sugaring - February 28: link
Darien Arts Council - A Night of Broadway - March 1: link
Darien Lions Club Pancake Breakfast - March 10: link
Darien Swim Club 2024 Registration: link
DYC Baseball Early Registration: link
DYC Soccer Early Registration: link
DYC Sports Gear Sale - March 2: link
Darien Police Weekly Press Release
The Darien Police Department issues a press release each week.
Darien Events and Happenings
Check out the City Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and events
Check out the Community Calendar for the news on events from Darien community organizations!
(630) 353-8114
City Hall (630) 852-5000
Visit the City of Darien's website for information on City services.