The following email provides timely information on news and services
from the City of Darien.
Weekly eNews - January 25, 2024
Mayor's Message
You will hear us say this again and again. “We want to reach everyone, until all
are fed.” We truly mean this. - “Feed My Starving Children”
On Saturday, January 20 Cathy and I had an opportunity to give some of our time in meeting the needs of starving children throughout the world. We joined a group of Darien Lions and others at the “Feed My Starving Children” facility in Aurora. We were part of a group of over 140 volunteers who were divided into groups of 11 -12, with each group member having a specific task in filling, weighing, sealing and packing “MannaPacks” that represented a meal for a starving child. The MannaPacks our group produced were designated for children in the Philippines. Each of these packs were specifically designed to assist in reversing and preventing undernutrition, with each one containing vitamins, vegetables, soy and rice that when opened and boiled would serve as a meal for several children.
When the event concluded, we met as a large group in their meeting room where staff shared the results of our work with us, and informed us as to how many individuals would be fed due to our efforts. We also had an opportunity to learn about the children in these various countries, and the impact that our effort would have on their survival. When one sees the poverty and malnutrition that exists in many of these areas, it leads you to believe that you played a small role in possibly saving a child’s life. That kind of intrinsic reward was well worth the hours we gave to this program, and it will probably lead to our finding time in the future when we will once again join this effort so that we can help assure that all these children are fed.
City Hall Welcomes Girl Scout Troup 56198
Mayor Marchese hosted a tour of City Hall and a talk on City Government for Brownie Troop 56198 on Monday evening. The third grade troop met several of our elected officials, and had a wonderful time sitting up on the dais and taking turns banging the Mayor’s gavel. Thank you for taking time to visit City Hall. We cannot wait to watch you grow into Darien's great leaders of tomorrow!
Economic Development Committee Meeting - Rescheduled
The Economic Development Committee meeting scheduled for February 1 has been rescheduled for February 8. Check the community calendar for future meeting information.
Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing Notice - February 7
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Darien will hold a public hearing on February 7, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1702 Plainfield Road, Darien.
The purpose of the public hearing will be to hear testimony from interested persons and make a recommendation on CASE NO. PZC2024-01. This case involves a petition for the construction of a quick service drive-through eating establishment at the property located within the B-2 Community Shopping Center Business District. Find the full notice here.
Only Rain (and Snowmelt) Down the Storm Drain
As the snow is melting this weekend, be sure to check the storm drain inlets on your street and clear them if necessary. Storm drains may be blocked by leaves, branches, or garbage, all of which we do not want in our rivers and streams. You can also clear off piled snow or ice so that the snowmelt can make it down the drain. Thank you for your help keeping pollutants out of our water!
Darien Chamber Community Guide
Now Available
The Darien Chamber of Commerce has served our community and local businesses since 1984. Each year, the Darien Chamber continues to grow in size, strength, and vitality. Their purpose is to provide members opportunities to further promote their business through networking, education, and marketing event opportunities. The Darien Chamber is "your connection to community."
Avoiding Scams and Fraud Information Session
January 31, 9:30 a.m.
DuPage County Administration Building
DuPage County will host a free informational session on avoiding scams and fraud aimed at senior citizens and the elderly from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Jan. 31 in the first floor Auditorium of the JTK Administration Building, 421. N County Farm Road, Wheaton. Attendees will learn how to spot common scams, including phone, internet, dating, and social media schemes. They’ll receive tips on keeping their money secure and learn how to report financial fraud if they suspect they are a victim. For more information, please call (630) 407-5425. If you cannot attend in person, the event will be live-streamed on DuPage County’s YouTube channel and available on YouTube following the program.
West Suburban Community Pantry
We all need a little help sometimes. The West Suburban Community Pantry provides food security to individuals and families across our community. They also serve as a bridge to additional community resources. If you ever need a helping hand or if you are looking for a place to volunteer, the West Suburban Community Pantry has options for you. Learn more here.
Put Safety First - Follow the 9pm Routine
Follow these 9pm Routine tips every night!
- REMOVE ALL valuables from vehicle
- LOCK your vehicle and home
- TURN ON your exterior lights
211 - Reach Out for Assistance
Looking for transportation, housing, or employment in DuPage County? Call 2-1-1 or visit to get help. It is a free service for all DuPage County residents!
Be in the Know - Help Spread the Word
Darien’s Direct Connect E-Newsletter (DC) is the City’s primary source of information for residents and businesses. Please tell your friends and neighbors about DC, forward this email to them, and ask them to sign up. Signing up is simple and can be done here.
Click on the links below for more information on these upcoming community events!
Register by February 10: Darien Woman’s Club 2024 Creative Youth Art Fair: link
Lions Club Big Raffle 2024: link
Community Blood Drive - February 21: link
Darien Arts Council - A Night of Broadway, March 1: link
DYC Baseball Early Registration: link
DYC Soccer Early Registration: link
DYC Lacrosse Winter Camp: link
Darien Police Weekly Press Release
The Darien Police Department issues a press release each week.
Darien Events and Happenings
Check out the City Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and events
Check out the Community Calendar for the news on events from Darien community organizations!
(630) 353-8114
City Hall (630) 852-5000
Visit the City of Darien's website for information on City services.