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Weekly eNews - June 29, 2023
Mayor's Message
My family took our first real long-distance vacation in 1966 out to California to visit friends, and to experience the wonders of Disneyland. Prior to that trip, vacation time was spent in the Wisconsin Dells and in Ottawa, Illinois, where my father’s aunt and uncle lived, and where we could spend time at Starved Rock State Park. I think my father’s motivation to make a trip out to California was motivated by the fact that we were growing older, and he wanted us to have what he called a real family vacation before we each left home for college.

Our trip required significant planning by my engineer father, who plotted out our entire trip including rest stops, motels and diners. Back in 1966, my father’s planning included traveling out to California on the “Mother Road,” or as it is more commonly known, as Route 66. While a small portion of our trip encompassed one of the new interstates being built, Route 66 served as our main travel route. I must say that Route 66 served us well, as we saw the beauty of the west as we traversed through eight states that make up Route 66.

Those traveling out west today will find themselves traveling along a number of the interstate highways that have come into being over the last several decades. While eighty-five percent of the original Route 66 is still drivable, many of the towns and sights along the road have disappeared. Despite that, many travelers are still drawn to Route 66, because they can get a view of our country as it was back in earlier times.

Route 66 will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2026, and in Illinois and in states that traverse the 2,400 miles out to the Santa Monica pier, communities will be celebrating that anniversary and the role that Route 66 played in defining the culture of our country. Darien is one of those communities that will be part of that celebration by designating “Historic Route 66” with a Route 66 monument that will be placed along North Frontage Road (east of Cass). This monument, as well as others, will be placed along the old Route 66 throughout the state, and will stay in place through 2026, Route 66’s centennial year. When it is fully erected, we will notify all of you through one of our Direct Connect newsletters.

When we drove out to California back in 1966, little did we know that someday we would be celebrating the historic significance of that highway. That was the last major vacation I took with my mom and dad before I took off for college two years later. While we vacationed as a family in later years, none of our trips took us back to Route 66 and the experiences the old highway offered us. I will always remember that trip and the memories it provided us; it was truly a great family time together, and as the song says, we really did “get our kicks on Route 66.”
Darien Rocks the Greens Summer Concerts at Carriage Greens
First free concert is tonight - hope to see you there!
Holiday Service Update

City Hall will be closed in observation of Independence Day on Tuesday, July 4. Refuse collection will not be postponed on Monday, July 3. Refuse collection will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week Tuesday, July 4 - Friday, July 7. Learn more about LRS holidays here.
Firework Safety

Independence Day has finally arrived! The National Safety Council encourages everyone to leave fireworks to the professionals. Find professional firework displays in your area here.

Fireworks not only injure thousands of people each year, but they also can harm our pets. Loud noises can startle our pets' sensitive ears, increase anxiety, and cause pets to run away. Follow these tips to help your pet have a more enjoyable holiday.
City Meeting Updates

The City Council meeting scheduled for July 3 and the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled on July 5 have been canceled.

The Economic Development Committee meeting scheduled for July 6 has been rescheduled for July 20.

To view all upcoming meetings and events, check out our Community Calendar!
Door to Door Solicitation

Warmer weather means more door-to-door solicitors. Residents that do not want solicitors to ring their doorbells should post a sign indicating “No solicitors invited”. These decals are available at City Hall (1702 Plainfield Road) or the Darien Police Department (1710 Plainfield Road). The City of Darien advises residents NOT to give their utility bills to solicitors. Note: home solicitors are required to show you a city permit. If a home solicitor fails to show you a city permit or you think the solicitation is a scam, please call 911 immediately to report.
Road Rehab Program

Road rehab work for the City of Darien is underway. They will be taking a break for the holiday and will return after July 4. Check out the schedule here.
City of Darien is Hiring 

The City of Darien Police Department is hiring for the position of Police Records Clerk. For a full description of the position and general requirements please visit here or call 630-353-8104.
DuPage County Updates

Crisis Center Funding Approved
The DuPage County Board on Tuesday voted to allocate funds for the DuPage County Health Department to build a $25.8 million Crisis Recovery Center, which will expand the behavioral health crisis system in the County. Learn more here.

Back to School Fair
The Catholic Diocese is holding a Back to School Fair on August 9. Learn more and register here.
National Safety Month - Selfie Safety

Summer is full of fun, friends, adventures, and selfies! It may sound a bit silly, but injuries from trying to get the perfect selfie can be very serious. Follow these tips from the National Safety Council to capture memories safely this summer.

  • Keep your eyes up and know where you are going.
  • Don't trespass, especially in high risk areas like on train tracks or at construction sites.
  • Respect park rules - they are there for a good reason!

Find more tips here.
Community News & Events
Click on the links below for more information on these upcoming community events!
June 29 - Darien Park District Summer Movies - Encanto: link

July 4 - 52nd Independence Day Parade: link

July 10 - Darien Garden Club Meeting: link

July 13 - Darien Park District Summer Movies - Spiderman: No Way Home: link

August 10-13 - Darien Fest: link
Darien Police Weekly Press Release
The Darien Police Department issues a press release each week.
Darien Events and Happenings
Check out the City Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and events
Check out the Community Calendar for the news on events from Darien community organizations!
Connect with us!

Mayor Joe Marchese, (630) 200-2390

Bryon Vana, City Administrator,
(630) 353-8114

City Hall (630) 852-5000

Police Department (630) 971-3999

Community Development (630) 353-8115
Visit the City of Darien's website for information on City services.
Follow us on Facebook at @CityofDarien.
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Follow the Darien Police Department on Twitter at @DarienPolice.
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