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Weekly eNews - May 11, 2023
Mayor's Message
“In a world in which you could be anything, be kind.”
- Unknown

While I attend church services on Sundays for a number of very personal reasons which I will not enumerate here, I will share with you my love of a great sermon or homily. I truly enjoy a homily that contains a message that I can relate to; something that has meaning in my life. Over my years attending church, I have heard homilies that have had a significant impact on my thinking and on my actions, and if you don’t mind, I would like to share one that gave me pause and has stayed with me for a number of years.

The sermon that I am referring to was actually given by one of our church deacons, and was taken from a real world experience in his life. He discussed how each of us responded to or interacted with others in our daily lives. Using himself as an example, he related how in most of his interactions, he had or demonstrated little real concern for others, even with those who were close friends or associates. His behavior wasn’t rude or demeaning, it simply lacked an understanding of the needs or state of mind of those individuals he came in contact with during the normal course of his day. He simply did not acknowledge the impact he could have on their lives.

There are events in our lives that sometimes provide us with a new focus; an understanding as to how others impact our lives, and how we may be influencing others by our actions and our words. This individual or deacon was talking to a group or parishioners regarding how we demonstrate our love for one another, when one of his parishioners noted that his talk appeared hypocritical, in that he talked about how we should practice kindness toward one another, but in reality, he exhibited very little in the way of kindness toward others. When he heard this, he was shocked and asked the person to explain what was missing in his behavior, and the individual said, you speak of kindness as an expression of love for one another, but you demonstrate very little in the way of kindness toward others. The individual went on to say that simple acts of kindness had major impacts on others, and this deacon, this “man of the cloth,” did not seem to understand how this was missing in his own interactions. This caused him to reflect on his behavior, and to his surprise, he was bothered by his lack of attentiveness to others, and his ability to spread kindness to others, especially when they were in need. His reflection on his behavior changed his life, and he now finds himself more attentive to the needs of others.

After sharing this story of his personal reflection and the change it had on his life, I spent time reflecting on my own personal interactions. Did I really attend to the possible needs of others, were my actions just perfunctory, or was there real meaning in the way I treated others. That sermon truly impacted me, and I now give more thought to my interactions with others, and my hope is that I will always be attuned to their needs. I have now chosen a new motto which I cannot attribute to anyone, but which has great meaning in my life. I hope it is something that you will consider in your interactions with others. “In a world in which you could be anything, be kind.”  To be quite honest, our world could really benefit from a little more kindness toward one another.
Shop and Dine Locally this Mother's Day

Have you decided what to get for the special mother in your life? Darien has the perfect local option for you, whether you are looking for a special gift, a spa gift certificate, or a reservation for a delicious meal. Check out this business directory or restaurant directory and find the perfect option!
City Council Meeting - May 15

City Council will meet on Monday, May 15, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. The agenda will be posted here.
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting - Canceled

The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled for May 17 is canceled. See future meeting dates on the community calendar.
National Police Week - May 14 - 20

National Police Week is a collaborative effort of many organizations dedicated to honoring America’s law enforcement community. During this week we also give special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Thank you to all who serve.
Economic Development Week

From the Mayor and City Council a grateful THANK YOU to every Business, from small to large, corporations to sole proprietors, for your continued support and being part of the City of Darien. The partnership of Economic Development is in association with local support from residents to businesses investing back into the community.
Congrats Sergeant Austin Jump

Congratulations to Darien’s newest Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Staff & Command graduate, Sergeant Austin Jump! The Northwestern School of Police Staff & Command (SPSC) is an intensive leadership and management education program that helps prepare experienced law enforcement professionals for success in senior command positions.
Cass Avenue Railroad Crossing Closing

BNSF Crossing at Cass Ave will be closed during improvements starting on May 19. The work is expected to take 9 days and the crossing is scheduled to be reopen on May 27.

Find more information here.
May is Mental Health Month

Your mental health is important and you deserve to have access to quality care and services.

To find services in your area, visit Prioritize your health today!
Cop on a Rooftop

On Friday May 19, Darien Police will be participating in the Cop on a Rooftop program to raise support for the Special Olympics! Visit the Darien Police at the Dunkin' located at 7532 Cass Avenue. Learn more here.
Save the Dates for Summer Concerts at Carriage Greens

Coming in Summer 2023, Darien’s Summer Concerts will return at Carriage Greens Country Club! Mark your calendar for the following shows!

  • Thursday, June 29th – Beyond the Blonde
  • Thursday, July 27th – The Mix
  • Thursday, August 31st – Reckless
  • Saturday, September 23rd – Oktoberfest
Have a Safe Prom

While your teen is preparing for the big night, it’s a good idea to have some open discussions about safety issues, including driving, drinking, and post-prom parties. Check here for some ideas on how to open the conversation between you and your prom goer. #SafeProm
Road Rehab Program

The rehab work for the City of Darien is tentatively scheduled to begin on May 15 and continue through the beginning of June. Check out the schedule below.
Bike to Work Day

Friday, May 19, is National Bike to Work Day, which is nestled right in the middle of Bike Month. Bicycling is good for our bodies, our minds, our communities, and the planet!

The League of American Bicyclists tells us that 40% of trips in the U.S. are less than 2 miles, making bicycling a great way to get around for many of us. Take your bike to work or just around the block, but take a break to pedal and enjoy the breeze.
Community News & Events
Click on the links below for more information on these upcoming community events!
May 20 - Darien Garden Club - Sprouts Meeting: link

May 21 - Darien Dash: link

May 22 - Presentation on Illinois Prairies and Gardens of the Desert: link

May 26-29 - Memorial Day Carnival: link

June 2 - CARE Golf Outing, Village Greens of Woodridge: link
Darien Police Weekly Press Release
The Darien Police Department issues a press release each week.
Darien Events and Happenings
Check out the City Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and events
Check out the Community Calendar for the news on events from Darien community organizations!
Connect with us!

Mayor Joe Marchese, (630) 200-2390

Bryon Vana, City Administrator,
(630) 353-8114

City Hall (630) 852-5000

Police Department (630) 971-3999

Community Development (630) 353-8115
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Follow the Darien Police Department on Twitter at @DarienPolice.
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