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Weekly eNews - October 24, 2024

Mayor's Message

Are you a sentimental person? Many people will answer “No” because in our society, sentimentality is viewed by many as a weakness. Before you answer that question, stop a second, read and give thought to the following quote:

“Feeling sentimental can give you a sense of belonging and make you feel a strong connection to people, a place, or an experience. This is something we all feel from time to time! Our lives are made up of so many moments, and cherishing those moments can be a really positive thing!”

Now, before you answer my first question, let me ask you to consider the following questions: Do you still have that jewelry passed down to you by your mother or grandmother, what about the old car that you drive that once belonged to your father, or do you keep picture books of family vacations? Answering these questions, and so many others might be your clue as to your level of sentimentality. Personally, I believe that as we get older, we become more sentimental; we reminisce about events past, and people now gone who touched or impacted our lives. Many of us attach feelings to objects such as those mentioned above, because they remind us of moments and people that we truly cherish.

When my father died, I asked for and obtained his wedding band that he had worn the entire fifty-nine years of his married life. While I don’t wear his ring, every so often, I take that ring out, hold it in my hand and think about the beautiful marriage enjoyed by my mother and father. At that moment, I feel a connection to my father even though he has been gone close to twenty years.

I realize that what I just shared may not make sense to you, but stop a minute and ask yourself if you can relate to my story. While I know that many of you may scoff at the idea that being sentimental is a positive emotion, I truly believe, that cherishing a moment, a person, a place or a thing can be a positive experience in our lives. When you drive dad’s old car, or you wear your late mother’s wedding ring, or you peruse that old family pictures album, don’t you feel a connection to that individual, and just for a moment don’t you hold that feeling in your heart? I believe we all experience moments such as these, and for a brief period, we feel a wonderful connection with those we loved who are no longer with us, and how many of us wouldn’t enjoy feeling that connection? 

Scroll to the bottom to view Community Events

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

It’s ok to talk about it.

Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline

877-863-6338 (877-TO END DV)

Para Español, haga clic aquí.

It takes courage to seek help. You are not alone. The Hotline provides crisis intervention and referrals to an emergency situation and support services to victims who are in an abusive relationship. In addition, Hotline advocates can provide information and resources to concerned family and friends.

The Hotline is confidential, available 24 hours a day, and can help you no matter what language you speak.


If your partner…

  • Always checks your cell phone
  • Constantly puts you down
  • Is extremely jealous or insecure
  • Makes false accusations
  • Tells you what to do
  • Makes you do things you aren’t comfortable with
  • Physically inflicts pain or hurt in any way
  • Demonstrates possessive behavior
  • Repeatedly pressures you to have sex
  • Isolates you from family and friends

Text or Call 877-863-6338, if you think you or someone you know may be in an unhealthy relationship. It’s ok to talk about it. They are there to help.

Trick-or-Treat Tips

The City does not have established trick-or-treating hours but recommends trick-of-treating during daylight hours. We suggest residents turn off their outdoor house light when they are finished giving out candy for the night. That will help the trick-of-treaters know to skip your house. Follow these tips for a safe Halloween:

  • If children are allowed out after dark, fasten reflective tape to their costumes and bags or give them glow sticks.
  • Opt for nontoxic Halloween makeup over masks, which can obscure vision; always test makeup in a small area first to see if any irritation develops.
  • A responsible adult should accompany young children on the neighborhood rounds.
  • Children and adults are reminded to put electronic devices down, keep their heads up and walk, don't run across the street.
  • Watch for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs.

What to do with your Leaves?

  • Mulch. If you have a mulching lawnmower, use it to recycle leaves and their nutrients into your lawn.
  • Consider composting. Composting is the biological decomposition of organic material into a humus-like substance called compost. Leaves and other types of yard waste can be a source of materials used in a compost pile.
  • Yard Waste. Put them out for pickup on your regular garbage collection day
  • Leaves must be in a 33-gallon biodegradable paper bag; OR a 33-gallon unlined, reusable can
  • If you rent a yard waste cart from LRS, leaves can be combined with other yard waste.
  • Mow over leaves before bagging them. This reduces the ratio of bags to leaves by seven to one, thereby saving money on bags and labor.

The week of December 9 is the final week for yard waste collection (leaves are collected as part of your ward waste collection). For more information, visit or contact LRS at 844-633-3577.

Learn more about the City's new Leaf Campaign here.

Early Voting Locations Near You

Now is the time to cast your ballot! Additional Early Voting Locations opened up earlier this week and you can find them all here. Use DuPage County's interactive map to find the location closest to you or check out the list below of the four locations closest to Darien Residents. Learn more here.

Please Keep Political Signs on Private Property

Political campaign signs and other temporary signs are not permitted on City property. They must be placed on your private property or they will be removed and disposed of by the City.

Signs cannot be placed in the public right-of-way, which includes:

  • Roadways
  • Parkways (the area between the street and sidewalk)
  • The area between a ditch and road
  • 10-15 feet from the street on streets with no sidewalk

Please note that 75th Street, Cass Avenue and Plainfield Road are DuPage County-owned roads. The County does not prohibit election signs on their roads.

National First Responders Day - October 28

First Responders Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to those who serve our communities and honor those who have fallen. Thank you to all the paramedics, EMTS, firefighters, police officers and 911 operators who are ready to respond at any moment, in any situation.

Miss Darien 2024

Mayor Marchese welcomed Miss Darien, Paige Hollendonner, to City Hall this week! She addressed the Darien City Council on the completion of her year of service to our community. While she will wear her crown for the last time this coming Saturday, Paige will continue to serve the Darien Community. Mayor Marchese and the Darien City Council thanked her for representing our city and for her service to our community.

Citizen of the Year

We are gearing up to start the search for the next Citizen of the Year! If you know of a person who goes "above and beyond the call of duty" ... is always there when someone needs a hand ... and who has contributed to make Darien a special place, please consider nominating them for this honor. Like last year, we will not only be honoring our Citizen of the Year, we will be paying tribute to individuals selected by their organizations as their “member of the year.” Add the following dates to your calendars and stay tuned for details on how to submit your nominations!

Friday, November 1: Nomination Applications Open

Monday, January 6: Deadline for Submitting Nominations for Citizen of the Year 

Friday, February 28: Celebratory Dinner and Dance at Alpine Banquets in Darien

Fall Checklist: Plant Bulbs for Spring

Fall is the perfect time to plant bulbs for a stunning spring display! Start planning and planting your bulbs before the ground freezes. Here are a few reasons you should dig in now:

  • Colorful Blooms: Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses will burst into life as soon as the weather warms up.
  • Easy Care: Once planted, these bulbs require minimal maintenance—just sit back and enjoy!
  • Wildlife Friendly: Many bulbs attract pollinators, helping to support local ecosystems.
  • Value: Bulbs are a cost-effective way to bring vibrant color to your garden year after year.

Hiring Event for Job Seekers with Disabilities - October 29

The DuPage Kane Disability Community Resource Group, in partnership with workNet DuPage Career Center, will host a hiring event from 9 a.m. to noon on October 29 to connect job seekers with disabilities to potential employers. Register here.

Be in the Know - Help Spread the Word

Darien’s Direct Connect E-Newsletter (DC) is the City’s primary source of information for residents and businesses. Please tell your friends and neighbors about DC, forward this email to them, and ask them to sign up. Signing up is simple and can be done here.
Community News & Events

Click on the links below for more information on these upcoming community events!

Darien Youth Club Basketball is OPEN for 2024/25: link

Volleyball Registration is OPEN for 2024/25 (view flyer): link

Darien Woman’s Club Fall Member Registration is now OPEN: link

Holiday Artisan Fair - November 2: link

Darien Arts Council Presents: Vino Veritas - November 9 & 10: link

Darien Police Weekly Press Release
The Darien Police Department issues a press release each week.
October 23, 2024 Police Press Release Here
Darien Events and Happenings
Check out the City Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and events
Check out the Community Calendar for the news on events from Darien community organizations!

Connect with us!

Mayor Joe Marchese, (630) 200-2390

Bryon Vana, City Administrator,
(630) 353-8114

City Hall (630) 852-5000

Police Department (630) 971-3999

Community Development (630) 353-8115
Visit the City of Darien's website for information on City services.
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Follow the Darien Police Department on X at @DarienPolice.
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