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Weekly eNews - October 31, 2024

Mayor's Message

As we approach a “watershed” election here in the United States, I wanted to compose a message that centered on a reaffirmation of our commitment to democratic values. One year ago, as I was composing another Mayor’s Message, I received this document from the George W. Bush Presidential Center which I feel focuses our attention on our democratic values as we enter the polling place to cast our ballot for our 47th President. This statement is written and supported by thirteen presidential centers listed at the end of this document. I ask that you read and reflect upon this statement, and continue to practice the good citizenship that our democracy requires.

“Democracy holds us together.” - George W. Bush Presidential Center

“The unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, are principles that bind us together as Americans. They have enabled the United States to strive toward a more perfect union, even when we have not always lived up to those ideals.

As a diverse nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, democracy holds us together. We are a country rooted in the rule of law, where the protection of the rights of all people is paramount. At the same time, we live among our fellow citizens, underscoring the importance of compassion, tolerance, pluralism, and respect for others.

We, the undersigned, represent a wide range of views across a breadth of issues. We

recognize that these views can exist peaceably side by side when rooted in the principles of democracy. Debate and disagreement are central features in a healthy democracy. Civility and respect in political discourse, whether in an election year or otherwise, are essential.

Americans have a strong interest in supporting democratic movements and respect for

human rights around the world because free societies elsewhere contribute to our own security and prosperity here at home. But that interest is undermined when others see our own house in disarray. The world will not wait for us to address our problems, so we must both continue to strive toward a more perfect union and help those abroad looking for U.S. leadership.

Each of us has a role to play and responsibilities to uphold. Our elected officials must lead

by example and govern effectively in ways that deliver for the American people. This, in turn, will help to restore trust in public service. The rest of us must engage in civil dialogue; respect democratic institutions and rights; uphold safe, secure, and accessible elections; and contribute to local, state, or national improvement.

By signing this statement, we reaffirm our commitment to the principles of democracy

undergirding this great nation, protecting our freedom, and respecting our fellow citizens. When united by these convictions, America is stronger as a country and an inspiration for others.”

Obama Foundation

George W. Bush Presidential Center

Clinton Foundation

George & Barbara Bush Foundation

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute

The Carter Center

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation

Richard Nixon Foundation

LBJ Foundation

John F. Kennedy Library Foundation

Truman Library Institute

Roosevelt Institute

Hoover Presidential Foundation

Scroll to the bottom to view Community Events

Trick-or-Treat Tips

The City does not have established trick-or-treating hours but recommends trick-or-treating during daylight hours. We suggest residents turn off their outdoor house light when they are finished giving out candy for the night. That will help the trick-or-treaters know to skip your house.

Follow these tips for a safe Halloween:

  • If children are allowed out after dark, fasten reflective tape to their costumes and bags or give them glow sticks.
  • Opt for nontoxic Halloween makeup over masks, which can obscure vision; always test makeup in a small area first to see if any irritation develops.
  • A responsible adult should accompany young children on the neighborhood rounds.
  • Children and adults are reminded to put electronic devices down, keep their heads up and walk, don't run across the street.
  • Watch for children walking on roadways, medians, and curbs.

Daylight Savings Time Ends November 3

Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday, November 3 at 2:00 a.m. When you set your clocks back an hour, remember to also test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace batteries if needed. Enjoy the extra hour this weekend!

Vote by November 5

The 2024 General Election on November 5 is just days away. Whether you are voting in person or by mail, your ballot must be dropped off or post marked no later than November 5. Here are some helpful links and other information:

Polling place, registration status, & sample ballots

Early Voting Locations

Vote by Mail Ballot Information

Know your rights when you head to the polls (find more info here):

1) You need not present a photo ID to vote in Illinois. A poll worker should not ask you for ID except in a narrow range of circumstances. You may need an ID if:

  • An Election Judge challenges your right to vote
  • You registered to vote by mail and did not provide ID
  • If you are also registering to vote or changing your registration address on the day that you vote

2) On Election Day, you can cast your ballot after the polls close if you are in line at the time listed as closing.

3) You may bring written or printed materials into the voting booth to assist you.

4) You can request up to two hours off of work to go and vote in Illinois, if your work schedule prevents you from getting to the polls while they are open.

5) If you are denied the right to vote because you are challenged by a judge, your name does not appear on the rolls, or you do not have ID (in the few circumstances where ID is required) you are entitled to a provisional ballot. Be sure the poll worker gives you instructions about any steps you need to take in order to ensure that your ballot is counted.

Pumpkin Smash

Hinsdale South High School Stadium Parking Lot

7401 Clarendon Hill Road

Hours: Saturay, Nov. 9, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

The Pumpkin Smash is an annual effort by communities to divert pumpkins from landfills by providing locations for residents to drop-off jack-o-lanterns to be composted.

Last year's Pumpkin Smash:

  • Composted over 241 tons of pumpkins (that’s 482,000 lbs!)
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 173.34 tons of CO2e
  • Diverted 51,828 gallons of water from landfills

Why Keep Pumpkins Out of the Landfill?

Composting is nature’s way of recycling with many benefits:

  • Avoids landfill greenhouse gas emissions from decomposing organics (currently, landfills are the 3rd largest producers of methane in the U.S.!)
  • Produces a useful, nutrient-dense soil amendment
  • Pumpkins are 90% water which is great for our soil, not so good in our landfills

Learn more here.

Veterans Day Ceremony

Monday, November 11, 11 a.m.

VFW Darien Memorial Post 2838 will host a Veterans Day memorial ceremony on Monday, November 11, at 11 a.m., at the Peace Memorial located adjacent to the north pavilion at Darien Community Park, 71st Street and Clarendon Hills Road. Join us as we honor and celebrate the brave men and women who have served our country.

Congratulations Mike Bukovsky

The Darien District 61 Educational Foundation has recognized Mr. Mike Bukovsky as the 2024 Starts in District 61 Honoree. This award recognizes former students of District 61 who - having had a “great start” in District 61 - are on exciting paths of learning, service, employment, and adventure in their lives. Learn more about Mike and his journey here and join us in congratulating him on this honor!

Citizen of the Year

We are gearing up to start the search for the next Citizen of the Year! If you know of a person who goes "above and beyond the call of duty" ... is always there when someone needs a hand ... and who has contributed to make Darien a special place, please consider nominating them for this honor. Like last year, we will not only be honoring our Citizen of the Year, we will be paying tribute to individuals selected by their organizations as their “member of the year.” Add the following dates to your calendars and stay tuned for details on how to submit your nominations!

Friday, November 1: Nomination Applications Open

Monday, January 6: Deadline for Submitting Nominations for Citizen of the Year 

Friday, February 28: Celebratory Dinner and Dance at Alpine Banquets in Darien

Fall Tips: Keep Leaves out of the Storm Drains

The leaves are beautiful, but they can pile up fast! Please remember that leaves cannot be swept into the street. They can block storm drains and cause serious backups when it rains. Be sure to dispose of all yard waste through LRS or leave the leaves in your garden to protect plants and improve the soil as they decompose. Check out Darien's New Leaf Campaign for more tips! Follow these guidelines from LRS to properly dispose of your yard waste.

City Council Meeting - Nov 4

City Council will meet on Monday, November 4, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1702 Plainfield Road. The agenda will be posted here.

Planning and Zoning Meeting - Canceled

The Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting scheduled for November 6 has been canceled. See all future meetings on the Community Calendar.

Be in the Know - Help Spread the Word

Darien’s Direct Connect E-Newsletter (DC) is the City’s primary source of information for residents and businesses. Please tell your friends and neighbors about DC, forward this email to them, and ask them to sign up. Signing up is simple and can be done here.
Community News & Events

Click on the links below for more information on these upcoming community events!

Volleyball Registration is OPEN for 2024/25 (view flyer): link

Darien Woman’s Club Fall Member Registration is now OPEN: link

Holiday Artisan Fair (view flyer) - November 2: link

Darien Arts Council Presents: Vino Veritas - November 9 & 10: link

Darien Garden Club: Crafting Home & Personal Care Essentials - November 11: link

Tree Lighting Ceremony - November 17: link

Darien Police Weekly Press Release
The Darien Police Department issues a press release each week.
October 30, 2024 Police Press Release Here
Darien Events and Happenings
Check out the City Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and events
Check out the Community Calendar for the news on events from Darien community organizations!

Connect with us!

Mayor Joe Marchese, (630) 200-2390

Bryon Vana, City Administrator,
(630) 353-8114

City Hall (630) 852-5000

Police Department (630) 971-3999

Community Development (630) 353-8115
Visit the City of Darien's website for information on City services.
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Follow the Darien Police Department on X at @DarienPolice.
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