Hydrant Flushing Begins Monday, March 18
The Municipal Services Department will be flushing fire hydrants beginning Monday, March 18. Flushing activities will take place between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. and will take approximately one week to complete. The City flushes all of its hydrants in order to remove any accumulation of minerals and other deposits that exist in the water main. In addition, we inspect hydrants to make sure that they are working properly. As the flushing process removes accumulated deposits in the water main, residents may temporarily experience some discolored water. If this should occur, simply run the cold water until the line clears (3 to 10 minutes). The City will post signs in advance of the area that is going to be flushed in order to advise residents of when the hydrant flushing will be taking place. If you have any further questions, please contact the Municipal Services Department at (630) 353-8105.