This is Part 1 of Dark Journalist,
Daniel Liszt's interview with
former Canadian diplomat, UC
Berkeley professor and author,
Peter Dale Scott. Scott coined
the term "Deep State" and has
been writing about it for 50 years.

His works include 'Deep Politics',
'Death of JFK', 'The Road to 9/11'
and 'American War Machine'. His
latest book, 'The American Deep
State' studies the unelected,
unaccountable, shadow
government of the US.

The "Deep State," is a concept
Professor Scott identified as a
covert political system of private
contractors for US intelligence
agencies, media conglomerates,
Wall Street interests and Big Oil
funding, which work together,
manufacturing "Deep Events",
such as 9/11, the JFK
assassination and their subsequent
coverups, for motives of profit
and control.

Professor Scott is unflinching in
his research on the involvement
of the intelligence agencies'
self-enrichment from the drug
trade and their extra-constitutional
efforts to destabilize other countries,
when these fall out of line with the
objectives of the US government
(which is now just a front for the
Central Banking system).

He details how private military
contractors profit in the worldwide
arms trade and illegally hold sway
over foreign governments. He details
the influence of Wall Street on US
public policy and how Big Oil
Companies skirt the law with
congressional help.

He observes, with some irony how,
in their battle against President
Trump, the Mainstream Media (MSM)
has been bandying about the theme
of the "Deep State", a term long
circulated in the Alternative Media
and how now, this concept is
becoming better understood by the
general public.

In an attempt to stop this
awakening, the MSM recently began
waging a counter-attack, to try to
debunk the idea that Deep State
exists, at all. The current unrelenting
disinformation campaign is an effort
by the CIA and its MSM puppets to
close the Pandora's Box opened by
the Internet and the resulting leaks,
that have revealed them as the
wizard behind the curtain.

Professor Scott expresses concern
that this conflict we see brewing in
the media could culminate in a False
Flag Deep Event, in an attempt to
regain the control that these entites
have lost

(56 mins):

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