Darling Statement on May Revenue Estimates
Madison – On Wednesday, the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau released revenue estimates that show a significant drop in state revenue from the COVID-19 lock-down. State Senator Alberta Darling issued the following statement regarding those estimates.

“No one should be shocked by the drop in expected revenue. Our state was shut down for months and income tax collections were delayed until July. Getting people back to work will help improve the state’s bottom line. 

While the lower revenue estimates from the lock-down are significant, they might have been worse. Not only were online sales higher, careful budgeting and stopping the governor’s proposed tax hikes prevented an even steeper decline.

Our state has faced financial challenges before and we were able to solve those issues without raising taxes. I know we can do it again. We can’t demand taxpayers bail out our financial issues when the lock-down created so many financial issues for taxpayers.

It’s time for the governor to lessen the impact by finding more savings in his agencies instead of the pockets of the people of our state.”

Senator Darling represents portions of Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington and Waukesha Counties.

Media Contact:
Name: State Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills)
Phone: 608-266-5830
Email address: Sen.Darling@legis.wisconsin.gov