TONIGHT! No Wednesday Evening Activities

Reminder: Hillcrest follows Shawnee Mission School District weather-related closings. When SMSD is closed, Hillcrest is closed. No Wednesday evening groups at Hillcrest tonight.

Start the year with serving!

Serve at Adelante Thrift on Saturday, January 11 | Join other Hillcresters from 10 AM to noon to sort clothes and household items or do light cleaning. Build relationships while impacting a community. Sign up for January 11 or future dates here...


Join us this Sunday, January 12 for worship and the second message in this series called Power Displayed from John 12:1-19 about Jesus triumphal entry from Nate Powell at 9 or 10:45 AM in person or online.

Welcome Missionary Andrew Sweeney this Sunday | Andrew ministers to teenagers in Lyon, France through Young Life. Meet Andrew in the lobby after each service to hear more about his work.

Small groups start this week! Build relationships, care for each other, and inspire a deeper relationship with Jesus by joining a small group. If you are not yet connected to a group, sign up here and we'll help you find your fit.

Some groups have delayed their start because of weather.

Check for date changes below or here...

Date Change! GriefShare 13-week session now starts January 15 | GriefShare is a nondenominational, biblical support group focused on helping people dealing with a loved one’s death. Wednesdays through April 9 from 6 to 8 PM in Room 205. See here...

Married People Night is Friday January 17 | Join us from 7 to 8:30 PM for dessert, fun games, connecting with other couples, plus stories and wise words from a panel to encourage your marriage. Meets in the lower level of the Student Center. Sign up as a couple here...

Restart! Caregivers Support group meets once a month on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM in the Hillcrest prayer room. Caregivers need care and encouragement, too! We'll gather to listen and pray with each other. Enter through the office entrance on January 21 and February 25.

Trailhead-Belonging & Believing at Hillcrest is Sundays, January 19 & 26 from 9 to 10 AM | Pursuing new life together in Jesus means walking through life with a new point of view and a new focus. We want you on the journey with us!

Join us at Trailhead to learn more about what it means to follow Jesus and how we do that at Hillcrest. You will experience engaging discussions around who we are and what we do. Childcare is available with HCC Kid's Ministry 9 AM programming. Sign up here...

Date Change! Thursdays now starting January 23 | Women’s Bible study from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. Join us for an 11-week study of Romans-Part 2. Video study with Pastor Gary Hamrick and table discussion for women of all ages in Fellowship Hall. No sign up needed.

Date Change! Brunch Potluck now on Sunday, January 26 after each service in Fellowship Hall. We'll provide baked French toast, scrambled eggs and drinks. Last names A-M bring a savory breakfast dish; N-Z bring a sweet breakfast dish. All ages welcome.

Date Change! Now sign up for Nicaragua Intergenerational Mission Trip by January 26 I Join us July 18 to 25 for this trip with Merge Ministries. Connect relationally, complete a building project, and help the ministry at Bethel Mission. See here...

Your Attachments & Your walk with Jesus Workshop on Thursday, January 30. Learn how attachment theory (how we connect to others based on early life influences) impacts our fellowship with Jesus and with others. Join us along with Doug Burford, minister and licensed counselor, at 6:30 PM in Room 204. Learn your attachment style here... Sign up here...

Serve Team Refuel Night is Sunday, February 2 at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall | Join us for a special evening to refresh and recharge as you serve. We'll celebrate our teams, share encouragement, and refocus together for the year ahead. Let’s pause, connect, and prepare to keep running the race well! Existing team members sign up here...

Welcoming the Stranger starts February 5 | Immigration is a complex issue, but the Bible has a lot to say about it. We'll explore a biblical approach through lecture, story, multi-media and discussion led by Jarrett Meek, director of Mission Adelante. Four Wednesdays in February at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary. *Childcare provided at Hillcrest for birth to 5th grade.  

Infant Baptism (9 AM) and Dedication (10:30 AM) on Sunday, February 9 | At Hillcrest we practice both infant baptism and infant dedication. We honor both beliefs and practices, and we would love to talk to you more about why this is an important foundational step in the life of your child. Indicate your interest in learning more here...

Emotions Workshop is Saturday, February 15 | Join Natalie Moultrie and Angela Powell as they discuss emotionality and the importance of balancing the expression and understanding of our emotions with exploring how this balance relates to our personal journeys, mutual respect for others, and most importantly, our relationship with Jesus. Sign up here.

Hymn Sing on Wednesday, February 12 at 6:30 PM | Join us in the sanctuary as we raise our voices together and sing some of the favorite hymns of our faith. Everyone is welcome!

Pursuing New Life means Loving All in Our Community

Briarwood and Hillcrest Partnership | Learn about a donation drive for teacher-provided snacks for kids and how you can become part of the MVP program at our local elementary school here...

Prairie Village's 4th Community Action & Celebration Event is Saturday, January 18 at 3 PM | "I Have a Dream" Martin Luther King Jr. Service at Village Presbyterian. Sign up here to attend.

Now serving medium roast coffee from Nicaragua! It’s a brew that's as meaningful as it is delicious because the proceeds from our purchase of coffee beans support women rescued from sex trafficking in a country where Hillcrest actively serves.

Serve at Hillcrest

Watch why people love to serve at Hillcrest. Find your spot to serve here...

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