Community News

Dawson Ranch - a good place to live, to play and to make friends!

Your HOA Board has been hard at work and here are some recent updates for you!

Your 2022-2023 HOA Board is:

Peggy Rath - Chair

Bill Crockett- Treasurer

Kathy Worthington - Secretary

Andy Rath- Board Member

Jim Windham - Board Member

Bill Moore - Approving Authority

Sara Dolph -Approving Authority

Monika Brackett - Approving Authority


A cute fox that has been

running around our neighborhood.

There were 108 people who attended the Dawson Ranch National Night Out Event - wow!

The police and fire dept's have been thanked, for coming out on their own time, to meet and greet the good people of Dawson.

Thank you to all who helped and stopped by!

-What's happening:

  • A group of 7 spent 2 hours compiling the mailing for the annual meeting. 520 envelopes went out. We hope to see you at the Annual Meeting on Sept 14th at 4:30 at the Quality Inn. Members get one drink ticket. All residents of Dawson Ranch are welcome to attend.

  • The HOA Board will vote in its new board members at the Sept 7 board meeting. You will have a chance to meet the board Sept 14.

  • Jim Windham and Monika Brackett are retiring from the Board in September. Nina Barlow retired this past month. Let's give a huge thank you to these three for their years of service to the Dawson Ranch HOA. Being on the board can be fun and rewarding as well as time consuming and challenging. Our HOA wouldn't exist if not for hard-working volunteers.

Watch your mailbox for the agenda, budget and ballot towards the Dawson Ranch HOA Annual Meeting on Sept 14th. The ballots are due back Sept 9th~

[719-430-5052] [[email protected]]