Dear Global Christian Warriors,

Join us on this 21 day repentance journey to study His Word on Judgments. The point is to REPENT NOW to be fully His, as His Judgment unfolds. God willing, we will also include each day a suggested issue to repent of. We hope to bless you, to edify you, to strengthen you with His Word, consistent with 2 Timothy 3:16-17: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Chapter #22 ~ He Will Rebuild

I love the perfect synchronicity of scripture. In Chapter 1, God declared "Let there be Light!" (Genesis 1:3) and here we are in Revelation Chapter 22, the grand finale, and God is declaring once more "Let there be Light!"

There will be no more night in the city, and they will have no need for the light of a lamp or of the sun. For the Lord God will shine on them, and they will reign forever and ever.
~Revelation 22:5 (Berean Study Bible)

Notice in Genesis 1:3, the Sun had not yet been physically created yet there was still Light. So, when we reach the end of God's Epic Drama, we realize the True Light has emanated from Him all along. It has always come from The"Son"...Christ. The Light of the Son has guided us each and every day since the beginning of time even when He had not arrived in the flesh yet. This same Light guides us until He physically returns once more.

In Revelation, it seems that all of mankind continue to follow the same path as the Israelites in the wilderness. We keep going round and round and round again, making the same mistakes before a small Remnant finally presses in to take the Promised Land.

I've always said the Gospel message is really quite simple to understand and it can be stated in just 4 Words: Repent, Believe, Confess and Witness (Walk). The modern day gospel message, however, is more akin to what I like to call the "Disney gospel." It is often stated in one word: BELIEVE. That's a gospel-lite message. It's the gospel of magic incantations, the gospel of repetitive rituals, the gospel of superstitions. Demons "believe" that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In fact, they absolutely firmly KNOW it. Apparently, that is not enough to keep them out of the abyss.

How about confess? What if we "believe" and "confess" by saying a magic statement at the altar, coached by a religious leader to proclaim that we now "accept" Jesus as our Lord. Surely, believe and confess should do the trick, right? In the Bible, this demon possessed man even fell on his knees before Christ:

And he shouted in a loud voice, “What do You want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?
~Mark 5:7a (Berean Study Bible)

So, in scripture, we see demon-possessed people kneeling, believing and confessing that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Most High God. Even more disconcerting, next we see them begging (praying) to God for no punishment!

I beg You before God not to torture me!”
~Mark 5:7b (Berean Study Bible)

Is this not the same way of modern Churchianity? Always requesting grace, grace and more grace on steroids but refusing to follow Christ and OBEY?

The reason this is so ridiculous, is that we would never think of applying this same measuring stick to ANYTHING else in the entire world. Why then would we apply it to the highest calling of of all...Serving God Almighty and saving the entire world through the Great Commission?

Just imagine if someone said:

#1) I wish to be a martial arts expert.
#2) I believe I am a martial arts expert.
#3) I confess I am a martial arts expert.

Does that make them a martial arts expert? We are missing the critical and crucial Step #4 which is necessary for ALL WORTHWHILE PURSUITS. It is "I will train, I will follow the Master, I will study, I will pay attention, there will be many exams and trials, some days I will feel like quitting but I must persevere and overcome, when I stumble, I must get back up, I will finally get to that point where I am not only walking this difficult journey but I am a reliable testimony and assistant to others. I will allow God to mold me through discipleship into a sharp threshing tool in the Hand of the Master."

Behold, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills to chaff.
~Isaiah 41:15 (Berean Study Bible)

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
~Hebrews 12:1-2 (Berean Study Bible)

Kanye West was handed the church microphone and center stage immediately upon his purported conversion. How well did that work out? Charlatans and motivational prosperity speakers continue to be the order of the day and the darkness of the world keeps advancing with little to no resistance. Many in the current crop of leaders are wolves in sheep clothing. They have made merchandise of us.

So, the gospel message is still very simple to understand: REPENT (change our mind AND our direction), BELIEVE (put our faith in the Blood of Christ to atone for us and the Power of His Holy Spirit to direct us), CONFESS (our sins and then commit to doing better) AND WITNESS (become a disciple who walks in the straight path in order to testify to others).

But, people don't want "plain and simple" answers, instead they want EASY-PEASY. Big difference. Let's ask Jesus. What did He say?

"Well, didn't Jesus say His Yoke is Easy and His Burden is Light?"

Please read the entire passage. We must willingly put on a YOKE (constraint) of servitude. This passage means that He is a Good Master, not a cruel one. Otherwise, we will be subdued by evil, Egyptian taskmasters.

But Jesus called them aside and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. It shall not be this way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave.
~Matthew 20:25-27 (Berean Study Bible)

Sadly, many will fail the Christian Soldier exam:

For many are called, but few are chosen.
~Matthew 22:14 (KJV)

Only a small amount will graduate the Christian Soldier program:

But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.
~ Matthew 7:14 (Berean Study Bible)

God only needs a SMALL group of obedient people to accomplish His GREAT COMMISSION. In the Old Testament, we see God winnowing down Gideon's fighting force. We see this principle show up again in The Book of Revelation. There are only 144,000 that are chosen for the final battle. With the current world population at approximately 8 Billion people, this is a very small remnant indeed.

In God's Epic Drama, I believe He purposefully has obscured the meaning of "Armageddon" to include two possible endings. This is to encourage audience participation and our input to endure to the end in order to see which ending actually takes place. This is why Jesus asks:

Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”
~Luke 18:8b (Berean Study Bible)

What is faith? How do we know that we have it?

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
~James 2:26 (Berean Study Bible)

I've noticed lately that "interactive" exhibits, which require your complete "immersion," are becoming the latest thing. FaceBook is now "Metaverse" and it requires you commit significant amounts of your money and time. Satan is offering up a counterfeit once again. The Bible tells us, Faith with no Action is DEAD. There is a reason the Book of Acts follows IMMEDIATELY after the Books of the Gospel.

The word "Armageddon" is a very interesting use of Hebrew word-play. Megiddo is a VALLEY. Then, why in the world is it labeled "Har" (mountain) Megiddo (valley) in the Book of Revelation? Because it is in the VALLEY that God does His best work. It is not in the heights of the prosperity gospel or in the haughtiness of fans, fame and fortune.

In 2005, ruins of the First Century Church were uncovered in the Megiddo valley vicinity. What did the First Century Church accomplish? They spread the gospel message far and wide through their ACTS.

Perhaps we should consider Samson who was a shadow and type of Christ:

And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men.
~Judges 15:16 (KJV)

That "jawbone of an ass" is you and me. Maybe being compared with a useful donkey doesn't appeal to us. Perhaps, we are still looking for the notoriety which comes from the Devil's 3 Temptations in the wilderness.

Jesus promises us something different than the "3F's" of "fans, fame and fortune," which also should be known as the three guaranteed failures of the devil's false promises. He promises us the "3T's"...trials, tribulations and temptations.

Let's march onward with the conviction that the "heaps and heaps" of those slain by the Spirit will comprise the "Mountain of Megiddo." That is the end of the story we pray for instead of "heaps and heaps" of destroyed men.

Perhaps, now we can see why the majority of the "broad way" sign on with the devil. Probably, this is the same reason why only a few people become seasoned warriors: they don't want to be disciplined and commit to the more difficult path.

Jesus gave us a mission. He would NOT give us this mission if it could not be accomplished.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
~Matthew 28:19 (Berean Study Bible)

Like tampered wedding vows...far too often we leave this part out:

and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
~Matthew 28:20 (Berean Study Bible)

Surely, His Spirit is with us. Surely we are reaching "the end of the age." Surely, WE MUST OBEY. So, "Here Comes the Bride" and she KEEPS the word "obey" in her wedding vows.

He is coming quickly to retrieve her:

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
~Revelation 22:20-21

For more info, see Chapter 48 from our Devotional Book: "50 Days of Counting the Omer."
Click Here for World Class Crop

It's time for us to REPENT before all hope is gone. The Lord Himself : sanctifies and cleanses us, His Bride, with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish." (Ephesians 5: 26-27)

Furthermore, let both man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and have everyone call out earnestly to God. Let each one turn from his evil ways and from the violence in his hands. Who knows? God may turn and relent; He may turn from His fierce anger, so that we will not perish.”
~Jonah 3:8-9 (KJV)


Brothers and sisters in Christ: You and I were born for such a time as this.  We are to minister to others during the serious shakings ahead, expected in all nations. Studying the 21 signs of Judgment, our faith is built up to preach to others to find Him NOW.

To do so, we need today to build up our spiritual strength through times of private repentance.  We can also share times of fellowship, sharing testimonies of repentance to encourage us further.  
The fear of God is not a terror that He is against us or will strike without cause or warning.  Rather, the awe, the reverential fear of God, produces wise, healthy actions, as when the midwives feared God more than Pharaoh, and saved the male children, including Moses.

During these 21 days, as your doctor and the Lord may direct,  you may also wish to fast as the Lord leads.  Removing old sin strongholds spiritually may also act as a blessing to detox your body physically.  

When you repented to come into His Kingdom, you became a vessel filled with His Holy Spirit. We are to fear, have an awesome respect for,  the Living God, not fear of man, nor fear of death.  

Join us in this spiritual journey to study His Word on Judgments and to repent to avoid Judgment.

You may want to ask "where did this surface in me?" Is it a generational curse? How does it show up in my character today? If you confess that sin pattern, the Lord will forgive you. You can then sincerely repent, replacing that stronghold with His Holy Word.

A key one is found in Matthew 28: 18: " And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."

No need for a theologian. The word "all" means ALL.

Revelation 1: 17-18 could not be more clear: "And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, 'Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death."


First Layer of Judgments: THE SEALS


Second Layer of Judgments: THE TRUMPS


WOE, WOE, WOE. The three woes begin.

The kingdom of the world has become
the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah,
and he will reign for ever and ever.
~(Revelation 11:15).


Third Layer of WRATH Judgments: THE VIALS
#4) Day #18: The 4th Vial Judgment ~ Son Burn

Vengeance of the Lord for all martyrs
and slain prophets.

If you have not already joined us, do please join our ongoing project to call on God's Solution to end our physical drought in the Western States of the USA, as well as ending the spiritual drought in every nation .
This 21 day repentance journey, this one focused on Judgments, is part of our ongoing cleansing as His Bride, getting ready to meet Him as our Bridegroom.

A special page on all of these signs of His Judgment has been set up on that website. Please join us!

An overview of God's Hand in this repentance ministry is presented in this recent zoom call. May it encourage you:

Do you see repentance as vital for our times? To our knowledge National Day of Repentance is the only Christian ministry focusing solely on personal and national repentance in every nation and applying it in our lives.

No church, no denomination supports us, only YOU! Though we work as volunteers, costs and requests for food pour in each day far beyond our capacity to fulfill these requests.

Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads? THANK YOU--whatever the amount you give, you'll receive a blessing--- 2 Corinthians 8: 2-4 and Luke 8:3--- and Fruit that will abound to your spiritual account, Philippians 4:17.

God bless you.

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
Every Wednesday NDR hosts a one hour zoom call focusing on one sin pattern that we all have. You'll have private time with the Holy Spirit to review that sin with Him and then have time to confess it, as well as to repent, fully put it behind you, replacing that old stronghold with His Word. JOY follows repentance! The call is at 11 AM pacific, 2 PM eastern, 5 AM Thursday, Eastern Australia time. Direct Zoom link: Password 1221
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