Hello and Welcome!

So you're not sleeping well? Maybe you can’t get to sleep, you’re waking up and cannot get back to sleep, or you are just tossing and turning all night.

There are LOTS of possible reasons.

It can feel complicated and overwhelming to try and figure it out. We're going to take a different approach. Science, decades of research, and an exploding body of biometric data show that little actions add up to equal big improvements.

Good habits are the key to good sleep. Over the next 21 days, I’m going to share some of these habits; we call them wholebeing practices.

Our Prasada team takes sleep seriously. We not only find the most current science and studies, we also experiment and LIVE these practices so we can speak about them from our own experiences. 

I’m excited for you because I know how better sleep will positively impact your mental and physical wholebeing.

Today, I invite you to become a Sleep Explorer,
to get curious, to get wonder-filled,
to become open to some new possibilities,
and EXPECT to find treasures in small actions. 

I’m here for YOU as your sleep guide. If a lesson or practice resonates with you, or you have questions, please reach out to me. I’d love to hear from you to support you on this sleep journey. 

Today’s lesson is one of my favorite practices, the body scan.

We’re off!
Be well...it's a state of mind.
Meg Townsend
Wholebeing Guide

Day 1: Becoming a Sleep Explorer
You’re in bed, the clock is ticking, and your mind is racing. Or your back is hurting, or you just can’t stop rehashing that uncomfortable conversation you had earlier in the day. 

You look at your phone again, and 30 more minutes have passed. Now you are beginning to get anxious about tomorrow; you have a long day with deadlines and other family responsibilities that you know will require focus, presence, and patience.

And now it seems like you may be heading into all of that with little to no sleep.

We’ve all had some version of that night or many nights like that. It's like being an explorer with no compass and no map in the middle of a foggy night.

What can you do? 

A good explorer know that the first task is to determine where you are.

This first, simple wholebeing practice, a body scan, is for just those times when you need to get your bearing. The body scan is a mindfulness practice to check-in with your physical body to see where you might be holding tension.

You’re not trying to change anything.

You're coming back to your body. Getting anchored in your body brings you back to the present moment of now instead of worrying about the future.

By simply noticing what you’re experiencing, you may feel some relief.
The benefits of mindfulness practices keep growing, and the body scan goes beyond being an excellent get-to-sleep practice. It can also be a great perspective break during the day.

Within eight weeks, mindfulness students who practiced the body scan were better able to handle stress and experienced increased psychological well-being. 

Recent studies show that body scan practices had immediate benefits, people were more stable and composed under stress.

With more practice over time, they experienced more equanimity in life in general and they didn’t let their emotions rule their reaction to situations.

You’re not trying to change anything.

You're coming back to your body. Getting anchored in your body brings you back to the present moment of now instead of worrying about the future.

By simply noticing what you’re experiencing, you may feel some relief.
A Wholebeing Practice: The Body Scan
This week, make time to listen to the body scan practice once each day. (Or more if you need it!)

You'll need 11 minutes to lie down or sit in a chair in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. 

Just relax and let Jack Curley guide you as you listen to his voice. You don't need to be looking at the video.