September 4, 2020 | 15 Elul 5780
Day 17
It’s Day 17 of #30DaysOfLearning. Part 2 of this week's double Ravlaf portion, the Yom Kippur AM Haftarah.
Learn more!
  • Is This the Fast I Desire?- JTS’s Julia Andleman weighs in on Isaiah’s message of social justice.
  • Voting is an essential tool for a just society. Request a mail-in ballot if you need one to exercise your right to weigh in on the social justice issues that matter to you. (Note: The request must be RECEIVED by October 20, not postmarked then.)
  • Lo alecha hamlacha ligmor, velo atah ben horin lehibatel mimenah. It is not your duty to finish the work, neither are you at liberty to neglect it. (Avot 2:16)

Up next: Gardener Sandy Walter explores the holiday fruits of Rosh Hashanah from the perspective of her green thumb.

Yom Kippur services are being offered at multiple times: for Kol Nidrei, for the big day, and for Mincha and Ne’ila. Choose the location that works best for you and register while spots still remain: livestream at home, watch the livestream with the community in the (climate controlled!) social hall, or outside in either the patio or the parking lot. (While you’re there, register for other holidays, too!)
Share fun facts, offer personal reflections, and engage in interesting conversation. As the week draws to a close, take a look back at what other members have shared in this week's OKC Connections, and add your own content to these boards, too.

Social justice learning starts at home. The ADL has put together a wonderful book list with resources for teaching about a variety of issues. Featured books come with downloadable parent discussion guides.  

Want to be part of the fun? Send videos and content related to the High Holy Days and watch our community get even closer… a little social distance can’t keep OKC members apart! 

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