Liebe TCGIS-Gemeinschaft,
It's Day 2 of ourWoche der TCGIS Einheit / Week of TCGIS Unity and this week we can't wait to share our love of books in German (or about German culture)!
Germany is often called das Land der Dichter und Denker / "the Land of Poets and Thinkers." Perhaps the names Schiller, Goethe, Luther, Marx, and Einstein are familiar to you already.
Did you know?
That the world's largest and most influential book fair, the Frankfurter Buchmesse, takes place each autumn in Frankfurt ... and is a tradition that stretches back 500 years?
With such a rich cultural literary tradition, it's no surprise that our staff is excited to share with you some of our favorite German-language and -culture books and news resources!
For Grown-ups (a mix of German and English-translations):
I'm Off Then / Ich bin dann mal weg - Hape Kerkeling
Der Knochenmann - Wolf Haas (and the Brenner Krimi series)
My Berlin Kitchen: A Love Story, with Recipes - Luisa Weiss
Ostfriesenblut - Klaus Peter Wolf
Die Zeit - complex, smart, and in-depth news coverage
To Catch A Killer - Nele Neuhaus
Books by Federica de Cesco for adults and children
Nur einen Horizont entfernt - Lori Nelson Spielmann
Die Puppenspieler - Tanja Kinkel
Tagesschau podcast - daily audio news from ARD
For Kids (and their grown-ups, too):
Für Hund und Katz ist auch noch Platz / Room on the Broom - Alex Scheffler, Julia Donaldson
Vom Jörg, der Zahnweh hatte - Hanna Künzel, Günther Schmitz
Die Gans im Gegenteil - Wolf Haas
Vom kleinen Maulwurf, der wissen wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gemacht hat - Werner Holzwarth
Drachenreiter /Dragon Rider andTintenherz /Inkheart - Cornelia Funke
Herbst-Wimmelbuch - Rotraut Susanne Berner, also Winter-, Frühling- and Sommer-Wimmelbücher
Audio books on Audible: Benjamin Blümchen
Click here for more favorites ... and please add your own favorites to the list!
Reading invites us to explore other perspectives and experiences. We hope these titles do the same for you!
Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Happy reading!