September 17, 2020 | 28 Elul 5780
Day 29
It’s Day 29 of #30DaysOfLearning. OKC Member Rabbi Risa Weinstein reminds us that the shofar is more than just a wake up call. It's a voice when we can't articulate our feelings.
Learn more!

Up next:  It’s our last day! We’ll close out our #30DaysOfLearning with one more video from Cantor Hinda Labovitz, as she helps our Torahs don their special covers for this season.

Yizkor is a service usually said on Yom Kippur and Shmini Atzeret. This year, in order to have a Zoom-enabled, more participatory service, we’ve moved the times to just before each chag starts. You can register for the Zoom services for erev Yom Kippur and the 7th day of Sukkot on our website. Join us for an exceptionally moving service during an exceptionally trying time.

Let’s discover our connection points to one another! We will ask you to share fun facts about yourself, offer personal reflections, and engage in interesting conversation points. For each of these thirty days, we will introduce one new topic a day. Today’s topic: 

Bookmark this page to follow along with all thirty topics. See posting instructions or contact [email protected] for assistance.

The shofar makes some great music of it’s own, but here’s a favorite Jewish kids' musician, Elana Jagoda's take on shofar blasts. What instruments can you make from supplies you’ve got at home? Start your own band at home and make some music together. Can you play some music that’s sad? Other music that’s happy? Music is great at evoking some powerful emotions… or so Grover Monster and his friend Dave Matthews.
Want to be part of the fun? Send videos and content related to the High Holy Days and watch our community get even closer… a little social distance can’t keep OKC members apart! 

If you had this email forwarded to you and want to join in the daily learning, email [email protected].