Day Three:
January 23, 2021

May every expectant mother receive compassionate care and support as she nurtures the life in her womb.


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, she opened her heart to receive his message that she would conceive the Son of God in her womb. As a young, betrothed, but unmarried, woman, Mary knew that her pregnancy presented many challenges. Despite this knowledge, she faithfully responded, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). 

Like the Blessed Mother, women who unexpectedly become pregnant often face significant challenges. They, too, are called to place their trust in God and faithfully respond to His gift of new life. And we are called to walk with them in their time of need. As Jesus taught us, when we love and serve others, we are loving and serving Him.

May all expectant mothers be encouraged by Mary’s example and receive support and grace in lovingly welcoming their children into the world.

Acts of Reparation (Choose one.)

  • Sign up to pray for and serve expectant mothers in need in your community through a parish-based program called Walking with Moms in Need.

  • Pray the Angelus today. You might also consider saying it every day for the next week—on awakening, at noon, or at 6 p.m. (or all three times).

  • Offer some other sacrifice, prayer, or act of penance that you feel called to do for today’s intention.

One Step Further

When a woman is facing an unexpected pregnancy, the reaction of the first person she tells tends to set the tone for her decision-making. Pregnancy can be difficult and frightening, but no matter the circumstances, it’s important for an expectant mother to feel supported and loved. Read 10 Ways to Support Her When She’s Unexpectedly Expecting for simple tips on how to provide loving, life-affirming support for a friend who is unexpectedly pregnant. Your support may be the only support she receives.

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Live-Streamed Prayer Events
Every day of 9 Days for Life, dioceses across the country are live-streaming
prayer events for the protection of human life. 

Please join us! / Sidney de Almeida
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities