Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

"What are you doing, here, Elijah?" (1 Kings 19:9). This is repeated again "What are you doing here, Elijah?" ( verse 13). This key question speaks to me, and I hope to you today. It's a key statement from the Lord to each of us today in these end times.

In the face of God's Miracles, including sending fire of the Lord to consume the burnt sacrifice---showing He was the Living God, not the god of the Baals---and including an angel touching him and giving him food and drink, Elijah, after learning of Jezebel's call to kill him, went into a cave and hid. (1 Kings 19:8). God then asked him: what are you doing here, Elijah?

Elijah's answer was " I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life." (1 Kings 19:10)

As He did with Moses, the Lord then told Elijah to go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord as He passed by. He showed Himself with a great wind, then an earthquake, then a fire, and then a still small voice. (1 Kings 19: 11-12).

Despite God's obvious Presence, in response to God's statement again, "what are you doing here, Elijah?" Elijah again mouthed pity for himself, blaming others, repeating all the words spoken above in verse 10, including " they seek to take my life."

Despite his earlier practice of praying, bowing down on the ground and putting his face between his knees (1 Kings 18:42) Elijah was immobilized in fear and self pity for what he perceived were his circumstances.
God in His Mercy, and His Gentleness, then gave Elijah three last tasks to complete. Instead of rebuking him, the Lord gently pulled him from despair, giving him three new assignments and assuring him that he was not alone; there were 7,000 others in God's remnant. However, in so doing Elijah lost his mantle; his mantle was turned over to Elisha. ( 1 Kings 19: 15-21).

Question: are we immobilized in fear and self-pity? You and I each have a unique call on our lives. Question: what are you and I doing with it??

"You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He may give you." John 15:16.

Removing old sin patterns through His gift of repentance, removes fear of man and increases a healthy respect and fear of the Living God. In this 21 day repentance journey, in addition to the sin focused on today, ask the Lord if there is fear of man or fear of circumstances. Retaining that fear instead of removing it today, risks losing the unique call the Lord has on your life!

If you haven't already, please join NDR's ending drought project. The purpose is to put repentance into action, as we cleanse as His Bride. You can join from any site on the planet. 25 States in the USA and 4 other nations are represented already.

There are sins that the Lord declares will keep any of us out of heaven. Revelation 21:7,8: "He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

Today on Day Eleven of the 21 Day Repentance journey, the focus is on the fourth of these sins that will keep us out of heaven : murderers.

Day eleven: Murderers. Ask the Helper Holy Spirit if you have any spirit of murder, perhaps as a generational curse. Where did it first surface in you? How does it show up in your life today?
What is His replacement? "And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."
Genesis 2:7
" And this commandment we have from Him; that he who loves God must love his brother also." John 4:21

As you confess that sin, He will forgive you. Then you'll have the opportunity to exercise your free will to repent, to choose to turn 180 degrees from that sin pattern to God's eternal Way, His Word. The Word of God is mighty for pulling down strongholds. Repentance is a bold, mature choice of your mind and heart to renounce that sin pattern, choosing instead to live by His Word fully in His Kingdom--- His Way, His Truth, and His Life.

Once you've repented, speak out loud the new Word that replaces the old sin pattern. The devil will be shocked. Share your new Godly character with everyone.


Each day for the next 21 days beginning on October 3: take time to be with the Lord---claim first the full armor of God, Ephesians 6:10-11: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

and then..........

-------begin with a Declaration.   Elijah declared: " there is the sound of abundance of rain." Use your own words to declare in faith words to that effect: there is the sound of an abundance of rain! 

-------spend time with the Lord, asking Him to dine with you, asking Him which old sin pattern He would help you remove through His gift of repentance. Use today's sin as a focus if you wish.

-------having confessed that sin, then exercise your free will and repent,

-------having repented, your prayers will be that much more powerful: The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much! James 5:16.

-------then, wherever you are on His planet, pray for His rain in these western USA States so that His earth may produce His fruit. 

-------please connect with us so that we can pray with you; please share your testimonies; please join us for our Wednesday repentance hour each week. 


Have you been blessed by repentance? As busy as you may be, are you called by the Lord to join our team? We need sisters and brothers to spread the small group repentance booklets, to educate many through social media, to find pastors and priests to support our outreach, to find new resources to maintain our work in many nations. NDR receives no funding from a church, or denomination, or foundation, or major individual. Do you see repentance as vital in our personal lives? In our nations? That is our sole purpose for ministry, and we depend on your individual support, whatever the amount, to cover our costs and requests daily for food from pastors all over the planet who are awakening to the gift of repentance and need food for themselves and their flocks. As you give, whatever the amount, you'll receive His fruit that will abound to your account!
A recent video gives a good overview of our work for Him and for you

God bless you!

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
Please join us each Wednesday at 11 AM Pacific, 2 PM Eastern, 5 AM Eastern Australia for our one hour repentance focus and FELLOWSHIP. Here is the Zoom link: Direct Zoom link: password 1221

"The Gift of Repentance" a half hour TV program can be seen on Saturday
mornings 9:30 Pacific.
National Day of Repentance |