Coming Up in JUNE
5 Day of Pentecost
7 Pastoral Care Meeting
8 Outreach Meeting
15 Worship Committee Meeting
20 Budget & Finance Meeting
22 Vestry Meeting
28 Food for Body + Soul
Our Priest-in-charge is in Iona! Jacqueline will be out of the country from May 31-June 13. 
Please welcome The Rev James Harlan, Diocesan Canon for Evangelism, as your guest Celebrant on Pentecost, June 5 and The Rev David Lassalle as guest priest on June 12.
Please contact Pat Tayloe, Rector’s Warden, with any pastoral concerns. The Rev Andie Rohrs from St Andrew’s will be handling pastoral needs requiring a priest while Jacqueline is away.
Your vestry last met on May 25th.
Their next meeting is June 25th at 6:00 PM.