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We are so excited to announce Buddings' big expansion: to Saturdays! Starting this weekend, on September 13, our newest teacher Sarah will be helping to launch the big debut with a special day devoted to science. 


And speaking of Sarah, you might not have met her yet. She started with us at the beginning of the month, and she's fitting right in! She's even written her first blog post - for your reading enjoyment. :)


We want our Saturday classes to be more than just another day of the week, so the teachers are planning presentations and developing an amazing program that the kids are going to love. They'll be begging to go to "school" on Saturdays!


If your kids are also keen to get to class, our Big Kids Club is running on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and this month, the theme is "All About Me." There's an added emphasis on letters, literacy, and math, as we support our would-be kindergarten kids, and everyone is excitedly talking about their families, where they come from, and how big they are! 


Sign your child in from 1 - 4pm to be part of the adventure, and when you come, see if you can't make your way to the parking lot below us, as the back lot is undergoing some upgrades.


See you soon!


In this newsletter...

Welcome to Buddings, Sarah!
Saturday Service - Sept. 13
Parent Resource Section



Welcome to Buddings, Sarah!


We are really happy to have found Sarah MacDonald this summer! She arrived in Vancouver in May, from sunny Kelowna, where she'd been teaching the preschoolers at Little Owl Academy for the past two years.

In fact, she's been teaching in the school system and daycare centres since 2010, and with all that experience, her Bachelor of Education and Early Childhood Educator's license, she's well-equipped to step in at Buddings. 

She's in the house every morning, and will be leading the activities on our first Saturday - this weekend! 

She's already popular among the kids and while you can find her self-introduction on the blog this week, if you ask your kids, they'll tell you all about her!

Saturday Service Starts in September... with Sarah!
September, Saturdays, Sarah, and Science! They all start with "S", and they all start this week! 

Buddings is pleased to announce that our specialized brand of flexible daycare is now available six days a week. The Booking Calendar has been updated and if you're a member, all you have to do is click on the hours you want and hit "book." (If you're not a member (yet), take a moment to fill in the online application form to join our weekend program!)

Saturday hours are from 10am - 4pm.

We know you could use some free time on the weekend, and of course, kids love spending time at Buddings, but we want daycare on Saturdays to really... blow up! 

The teachers are preparing amazing activities and booking presenters for our Saturday experiment, and to get things started, Sarah's leading a day devoted to Science! Textures, and colour, mixing and stirring, the kids will be exploring and testing - while you get your weekend errands done in half the time! 

Or catch up on some work. 

Or... drink coffee on a Saturday morning. Remember? ;)
Parking at Buddings Moves Downstairs This Week
You might have noticed the surface of our back parking lot lifting a little lately. It makes the pavement susceptible to water damage and the landlord has decided to have it resurfaced... during business hours. 

If you're coming into Buddings this week, we apologize for the inconvenience, but wanted to remind you we've always had spot #54 in the parking lot downstairs (accessible heading EAST only, off Broadway), and while the work is being completed, we are also reserving #53 for pick-ups and drop-offs. 

The construction should be wrapping up soon, but in the meantime, if you get a parking ticket or have any trouble, please be sure to let Talia know.

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Budding Children's Garden & Daycare / 203 - 950 West Broadway / Vancouver, BC /