Cursillo of Western Mass

Diocese of Springfield

Click here for Candidate Application & Sponsor Form

In this newsletter:

Welcome New Cursillistas!!

Ultreya THIS FRIDAY - Christmas Carols at 6:30

December's Spread the Love - Perform a Random Act of Kindness

Give the Gift that keeps on giving - Cursillo

A Note from the Lay Directors...

Sue and Tom LaMondia

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

In this second week of Advent we wish you PEACE! As we move closer to the celebration of our brother Jesus’ birth, we invite you to take time to reflect on the ways you have moved closer to Him in your walk this year, and more importantly, what ways you will continue to do that in the New Year to come. Of course we think the best way is to take advantage of all the opportunities that Cursillo will offer throughout the coming year!

If you attended the Palanca Mass or the Men’s Closing last month, you know how hard it is to “clear the room” when those events are over! We are excited to see one another and happy to be together. Ultreya gives us the chance to do that every month! Post Cursillo is working tirelessly to create even more opportunities for us to be together in the coming year. Click here to visit our website event page. Whenever we are together, we deepen our relationship with one another and with Jesus! Come, let us be together!

We pray that you have a most beautiful Christmas and see God in every moment and in everyone.

De Colores!

Join us at Blessed Sacrament Church

THIS Friday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m.

Come early for

Christmas Carols starting at 6:30pm

All are Invited!

click here for directions and more information

**Please note that we will be using the entrance nearest the rectory.

Our Greeters will be there to welcome you.

The Post Cusillo Committee is hosting

We will be hearing Virginia Thomas proclaim the gospel and reflect on it.

Mary Jean Daly will be offering the witness talk.

It’s sure to be a great night! We hope to see you there!

Join us for a spirit-filled evening to move us “onward”

Come with your SPONSOR, come with your spouse,

come with a friend who's interested in making the Cursillo Weekend

or come by yourself and MEET a friend!! All are welcome.

December's Spread the Love

The Ultreya Team for DECEMBER has chosen

Perform a Random Act of Kindness

be ready to share it at the December 15th Ultreya grouping if you attend.

If you can't make it, perform a random act of kindness (or 2) anyway! 

Thank you! & De Colores

Share the Gift . . . SPONSOR!

What better way to share Christ’s love

than invite someone to the upcoming

Women’s Cursillo Weekend this spring.

Give someone special in your life the gift of Cursillo this Christmas season. This is one gift that will keep on giving. 

It’s never to early to register for this beautiful weekend. Visit our website here for more information.

2024 Women's Cursillo Weekend

Don’t forget to download the updated candidate application and

sponsor questionnaire from the website! click here.

visit for more details

or contact [email protected] for questions

Visit our Website for 2024 EVENTS
Visit our Website for news on Adoration for Cursillo

Memorial Contributions & Donations

keep our community thriving

Click here to see latest contributions

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit,

and we shall be created.

 And You shall renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, instructs the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

The Cursillo Committee PO Box 1207, Holyoke, MA 01041-1207 
Spiritual Director: Deacon Wendell Pennell 
Co-Lay Directors:
Sue LaMondia s[email protected]
Tom LaMondia [email protected]