“Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself.”

- Saint Francis de Sales 

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Provincial’s Reflection

The Foundation of Formation

Father Jack Loughran, OSFS

As Deacon Joe Katarsky, OSFS, begins his temporary ministerial experience in Alaska, it brings me to reflect on my own journey and the strong foundation that Oblate formation creates...

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Salesian Reflection

God's Patience

Father Richard DeLillio, OSFS

We have all heard how patience is a virtue.  Have you ever stopped to think about the immense patience God has with us?  As we navigate our lives, He is always waiting and ready for us...

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Installations in Wilmington-Philadelphia Province 

Brother Dan Wisniewski, OSFS, was installed as Superior of the Salesianum Oblate Community at Evening Prayer on September 7.  He was joined by his 16 brothers who live at Salesianum and other Oblates from the Wilmington area.

*Above: Brother Dan Wisniewski, OSFS, at his installation with Mr. Nick Grant and Mr. Jonathan Dick, OSFS 

Father John Fisher, OSFS, was installed as Pastor at Our Mother of Consolation Parish in Philadelphia last Sunday.  Bishop Timothy Senior presided at the Installation. Receptions followed after each of the Sunday Masses. 

*Above: Oblate Fathers Charlie Norman, Robert Bazzoli, John Fisher, and Robert Mulligan

Margaret E. Ayala, MFA, Assistant Professor and Director of First Year Writing at DeSales University shares how Saint Francis' reminder to have patience with herself helps her to navigate the "new normal."

Read Reflection

Prepare Yourself

For Sunday!

Salesian reflections can offer you inspiration.  View this Sunday's readings and the Salesian reflection using the links below:

Salesian Sunday Reflections

Reflection by an Oblate

Sunday Readings

Vocations Corner

Father Craig Irwin, OSFS, spent the past winter and spring at St. John Neumann Catholic Community in Reston, VA as a Transitional Deacon.  During his time there, he grew in his ministry and became an integral part of the parish community.

This past weekend, the parish celebrated Father Craig's ordination with receptions after several of the weekend masses.  Thank you to all those who came out to congratulate Father Craig! 

Please pray for him and all the men in formation.

Yes, Francis! Ways to Help the Post-Pandemic World 

A new book edited and authored by the faculty at DeSales University was recently released.  The book explores the intersection of the Gospel-grounded teachings of Pope Francis and the inspirations from his book, Let Us Dream, with three key areas made vulnerable during the global Covid-19 crisis: business and economics, healthcare, and education.

Chapters in these sections explore how the Pope's person-centered approach to the missionary activity of the Gospel can bring all people - regardless of their faith tradition -­ to a deeper encounter with God.

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Oblate Birthdays

9/16  Geoff Rose

9/20 Richard Eberle

9/20 John A. Hanley


Dear Friend,


As provincials of the two US provinces, we invite you to learn more about Saint Francis, Saint Jane, and Salesian Spirituality by reading DeSales Weekly and visiting our Jubilee page.


Please share your comments or suggestions to keep our weekly messages relevant and meaningful. Send to info@oblates.org.


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Father Jack Kolodziej, OSFS



Father Jack Loughran, OSFS





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