June 14, 2022

FAA Risk Management Handbook

New Edition!

This FAA handbook provides tools to help pilots recognize and manage risk and presents definitive practical guidance on how to implement and conduct the "identify, assess, and mitigate" tasks identified in the Airman Certification Standards (ACS). Pilots who practice effective risk management have predetermined personal standards and have formed habit patterns and checklists to incorporate them. This handbook presents methods that pilots of all types of aircraft can use to manage the workloads associated with each phase of flight, resulting in a safer, more enjoyable, and less stressful experience for both themselves and their passengers.


This full-color manual covers subjects such as an introduction to risk management, personal minimums, identifying hazards and associated risks, assessing risk, mitigating risk, threat and error management, automation and flight path management, and aeronautical decision-making in flight. Appendices contain additional risk management training and tools, accident case studies, and risk management exercises applicable to small general aviation training aircraft, helicopters, and large turbine-powered aircraft. Helpful tools include chapter-end summaries, glossary, index, and internet resources throughout for additional information.

Softcover, 8.25 x 10.75 inches, 88 pages. Also available in eBook formats. Cover returns for unused, unsold copies of the Risk Management Handbook (ASA-8083-2.1) will be accepted from distributors only through August 31, 2022.

Available for pre-order now!

Shipping late-June

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Product Information
Suggested List Price

Risk Management Handbook (Softcover)


ISBN 978-1-64425-271-0


Risk Management Handbook (eBundle)


ISBN 978-1-64425-272-7


Risk Management Handbook (eBook PD)


ISBN 978-1-64425-274-1


Risk Management Handbook (eBook EB)


ISBN 978-1-64425-273-4


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Header Image: 1942 Grumman Widgeon owned by Jim Moriarty, photo by Burke Mees, author of

Notes of a Seaplane Instructor and Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying