October 26, 2023

Mental Math for Pilots

Third Edition

Mental Math for Pilots, Third Edition, by Ronald D. McElroy sharpens pilot math skills for the interview and the cockpit with great tips for figuring math problems without paper or calculator.

In this book, pilots can learn the tricks of the trade for the areas where they have traditionally needed to sharpen their mental math skills: fuel planning, temperature conversions, reciprocal headings, turn radius, crosswind components, time-speed-distance problems, calculating true airspeed, the 60-to-1 rule, and many others. Learning to solve math problems in the cockpit, without calculators, using solutions that are simple and practical for airborne contingencies is a valuable skill to have. This book will help pilots stay ahead of the flight with cockpit tools they can use to assist in planning the flight. Mental math tools and shortcuts allow aviators to fly and navigate better and more efficiently. On top of all that, these skills help applicants perform their best in an airline interview.

Softcover, 6 x 9 inches, 104 pages. Cover returns of unused, unsold copies of Mental Math for Pilots, second edition (MATH-2) will be accepted only from distributors by January 31, 2024.

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Mental Math for Pilots, Third Edition (Softcover)


ISBN 978-1-64425-314-4


Mental Math for Pilots, Third Edition (eBook EB)


ISBN 978-1-64425-315-1


Mental Math for Pilots, Third Edition (eBook PD)


ISBN 978-1-64425-316-8


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Header Image: Modified Cessna 175 photograph by Burke Mees, author of

Notes of a Seaplane Instructor and Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying