Dealing with Unforeseen Challenges – Business Continuity Planning for Your Bank
February 23
Hybrid. Join us online or in Lansing.
Federal regulators require banks to maintain emergency preparedness plans, such as Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Pandemic Preparedness. These plans ensure the continuity of the bank in the unlikely event of a significant incident or disaster occurring. The consequences to a financial institution can be severe if proper disaster recovery and business continuity planning does not occur and continuity of business fails. In fact, many significant business continuity risks are connected directly to disasters originating from cybersecurity threats.
This one-day seminar will cover the essentials of what to include in a valuable, comprehensive Business Continuity Plan that helps minimize any potential downtime for your institution. We’ll also highlight real case studies for hands-on practical application in your institution.
Topics Covered
• Regulatory Requirements – Including the Updated FFIEC BCM Handbook
• Types of Incident and Disaster Planning
• Business Impact Analysis
• Risk Assessment
• Plan Development
• Dusting off the Pandemic Preparedness Plan – What’s it Good For?
• Testing and Improving the Plan
• Tying Business Continuity, Incident Response, and Vendor Management Together
Register today!