November/December 2018
The Holiday Season is upon us! On a college campus that also signifies the end of the semester is near...and finals are coming!
Dean Families,

We hope that many of you were able to enjoy some down time with your student and are ready to ring in the holiday season with friends and family. With just a few weeks remaining in the fall semester, there is a combination of excitement knowing the finish line is near and the sense of urgency to complete papers and late night studying for exams. It is critically important for students to find a balance between working hard and finding time to decompress, rest and eat well. These are topics you can discuss with your students and as always encourage them to make use of all campus resources. Please view the information below that details important updates, timelines, and events from campus.
Dave Drucker
Assistant Vice President,
Student Life & Dean of Students

The Green Family Library Learning Commons will have extended hours in the Writing Center which will be posted for students at . The link will also provide a complete list of peer tutors in a variety of subjects. Additionally, there will be organized Study Labs where Academic Coaches will be available to work with students. The Math Center, located in the Science Building will have additional hours posted for students to work with faculty and peer tutors. Students should also check for any extra hours that the library café, Bulldog Beanery , will offer during the exam period. Nothing like a steaming cup of peppermint hot chocolate or coffee to stimulate the system in the late hours.
  Final Exam Week- Quiet Hours

Twenty-four-hour residence hall quiet hours will go into effect on Saturday, December 8 th at 12 midnight and remain in effect throughout exam week. This will be enforced by staff and result in swift sanctions if violated as we want everyone to have an environment that is conducive to studying around the clock!
Where are my exams?

Does your student know where and when all of their exams are? Ask your student if they have checked all of their syllabi and/or spoken with their professors to ensure the dates and times of any written exams and due dates for papers. There will be a posting of final exam dates and times outside the Robbins Family Center for Advising and Career Planning. Did you know . . . any student with three scheduled exams on one day can have one moved to an alternate day? Students must see their advisor to make this request.
Winter Days Activities and Events
Winter Days are fast approaching! This event is one of the many traditions that takes place here at Dean College. This year’s Winter Days will be on Thursday, December 6 th through Friday, December 7 th . It will include an ice skating rink, a relaxation lounge, a giant inflatable called Snowzilla, numerous fun competitions, and of course tons of free give-a-ways! This is an event your student will not want to miss. It will be SNOW much fun!

Students will also enjoy the Late Night Breakfast on Monday, December 10 th served by faculty and staff. A great way to de-stress during exam week and connect with friends one last time before the semester comes to a close.
Residence Hall Closing
The residence halls will close at 6:30pm on Thursday, December 13 th for Winter Break. Students are required to depart two hours after the completion of their last exam . Any exceptions to this policy will be determined by the Office of Residence Life located in Chapman House. Students may leave all belongings in their room unless they are not returning for the spring semester. Students are reminded to exercise caution when leaving any valuables in their room. Resident students must sign up for a check-out time with the Residence Life staff in their respective building.  Lastly, please know that if your student has a space in their room, they need to have it clear and ready for a new student to move in as we often see several students transfer into Dean in the spring.
Travel Preparations
Winter Recess

It’s not too late to arrange transportation to and from campus during the holiday break by contacting Kiessling Transportation at 1-855-432-3315 or . Dates, times and pricing of pre-established rides to local airports, train and bus stations can be found on the Dean College website under the Student Transportation tab under Campus Life ( All bookings must be placed with Kiessling weekdays from 8am - 4pm. Reminder: Residence halls re-open for the spring semester on Monday, January 21 st and classes will begin on Tuesday, January 22 nd .
From the Office of Institutional Advancement:
Join Dr. Rooney in NYC!
Join President Paula Rooney for a Holiday Reception in New York City on Wednesday, December 5th .
Houndstooth Pub
520 8th Avenue at 37th Street
(Garment District)
6:30 – 8:30 pm

Calendar Planning

When seeking information about Dean College calendar dates, please use the Official Academic Calendar that is listed on under the Academics tab . Please do not use Google or other internet search engines for the calendar as it is likely to produce outdated and incorrect information.
Spring Billing

Spring tuition bills will be available online next week and are due by January 2, 2019 . You may view your bill online at . Please contact the Center for Student Financial Planning and Services at 508-541-1518 or via email at with any questions regarding your online bill. Spring opening information will be placed on and Today@Dean (the student portal) in the coming weeks. Please read this information carefully as it will provide all details necessary for the return to campus.
Thinking about a Master's Degree in Sport Management? Dean has a new articulation agreement with Boston College.

Available to students who graduate through May 2021. Apply based on completion of the Bachelor of Science Degree in May of their senior year; a Grade Point Average of 3.30 or higher and submission of full application by Boston College's deadline. As part of this agreement Dean graduates will receive both a waiver of the application fee and waiver of the GRE requirement!
Students with grades of B or higher in SFL172, 305, and 405 will receive six (6) credits of transfer credits, giving them the option of completing the eight remaining Master’s courses in one year.
Intersession Courses

Registration is open for our winter intersession courses through the School of Continuing Studies. If your student needs to catch up or wants to get ahead, Intersession provides an excellent opportunity to earn credits in a short period of time.
This year we are offering a variety of online courses that begin on December 26 th . We are also offering one-week intensive courses in Sales, Negotiations, Choreography for the Digital Age, and Audition Boot Camp beginning January 14 th . Special rates are available for full time students on courses and housing. Students should meet with their Success & Career Advisor as soon as possible to take advantage of this great opportunity.
Happy Holidays from Sodexo Dining Services!
We recently hosted Thanksgiving Dinner for 700+ students in the Smith Dining Center with faculty and staff serving the wonderful meal. A truly wonderful tradition in the Dean Community.

Does your student have MyDText? We now have over 400 followers that learn instantly about our free pop up food and beverage offerings on campus. There are also promotions to win great prizes all year long. It's never too late to sign up.

You can always add Boomer's Bucks to your student's account for that late night snacking or cup of coffee to assist with late night studying. Visit Dean Dining  at any time to see menus, add Boomer's Bucks, eatery hours, etc. We have very much enjoyed the fall semester and look forward to a great spring!
It may be legal in Massachusetts if your 21+...but it's not legal anywhere on campus or on the streets of Franklin!

While the use of marijuana is now legal in Massachusetts and a few dispensaries have opened across the state it is important to note that use of marijuana remains prohibited on all college campuses as noted in federal law. As such it remains a violation of our Student Code of Conduct and is illicit for those under 21. The town of Franklin also recently passed a by law that also prohibits use of marijuana on all public ways regardless of age. The College will continue to educate students on any changes and we encourage you to have conversations with your student about its illicit nature on campus.
Thoughts from Counseling Services
Winter Break Survival Tips for College for Parents/ Family
Papers have been turned in, finals have been taken, winter break is upon us! Many students look forward to seeing family, friends, pets and simply sleeping in their own bed. For parents, having their children home may provide a sense of “normalcy” in the house. Although this can be a special time for families, it also can present some challenges. Prior to leaving for college, students may have had structure, including, curfews, chores, and family responsibilities. Magically, this structure disappears once students come home.

Here are a few tips to help to help ease the winter break chill:
Grades -Have an open discussion about grades prior to your student coming home. In case grades do not meet expectations; this will clear the air before the start of break.
Space -You probably have 100 questions to ask about their semester, conversations may go more smoothly if you give them some time to settle in and decompress.
Negotiate ground rules – Discuss a new set of rules related to curfew, family time, responsibilities, use of car, and sleep patterns to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Enjoy - Most importantly, spend time together, make time to relax and have fun!
Wishing all of our Dean families a joyous holiday season and a happy new year!
Dean Resources
As always, please feel free to reach out to any of our offices if we can be of further support to you or your student.

Advising and Career Planning: 508.541.1536
Athletics: 508.541.1816
Campus Safety: 508.541.1888 
Center for Student Financial Planning and Services: 508.541.1518
Dining Services: 508.541.1564
Health Services:  508.541.1600
Morton Family Learning Center: 508.541.1768
Residence Life: 508.541.1838