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You Are Personally Invited to

Evelin Lindner's
Upcoming Talks on
Humiliation and Dignity

Norway, Germany, Poland, Spain, New York
February 27, 2020:   Welcome to Evelin Lindner's annual lecture  On Dignity and Humiliation  at the Department of Psychology of the University of Oslo in Norway, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3, forsamlingssalen, Thursday, 10.00 – 12.00.

Evelin will be sharing her recent experiences in the rainforest of the Amazon of Brazil and will highlight the significance of the Amazon Fund. We thank the Department of Psychology for this invitation.

February 28, 2020:  See also Evelin's closed lecture on Rwanda as part of PSY4506 –  Human Rights, Democracy, and Reconstruction after Conflict  at the Department of Psychology of the University of Oslo.

February 28, 2020:   Welcome to a  Deep Dao Dialogue  with Paul Pulé, Martin Hultman, and Evelin Lindner at the Taiji Centre in Oslo, Norsk Taiji Senter, Kirkegata 1–3, 0153 Oslo, Norway, 19.00. See . The most recent publication by Hultman and Pulé:  Ecological Masculinities , 2018, London: Routledge. See also " Climate change denial and far-right nationalism ."

May 13, 2020:   Welcome to Evelin Lindner's talk " Vergiftetes Klima: Hass und Umweltzerstörung, Demütigung und Terror, eine explosive Mischung – und wie wir sie mit Würde entschärfen können " in Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany, 19.00 – 21:15, Lalu, Hefehof 2, invited by the Volkshochschule Hameln-Pyrmont, .

June 30 – July 4, 2020 :   "The European Social Psychology and Its Responsibilities: Dignity and Humiliation," is Evelin Lindner's contribution to the  Symposium on Humiliation  organized by Saulo Fernandez at the 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology in Krakow, Poland.
Recently in the News:

In a Washington Post article describing the dangers of using humiliation as a tool during conflict, writer Amanda Ripley noted Evelin Lindner's work:

"It is curious that we hear so little about humiliation, because people who study conflict talk about it all the time. They liken it to the 'nuclear bomb of the emotions,' as psychologist Evelin Lindner has written . And almost everywhere you find violence, you find humiliation in play."

"With Iran, humiliation is a dangerous card to play , " The Washington Post , January 19, 2020.

Welcome All!
35th Annual Dignity Conference

Global Vulnerabilities:
From Humiliation to Dignity and Solidarity

September 21 – 24, 2020
Madrid, Spain

This conference is hosted by the National Distance Education University/Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and its faculty of Psychology/Facultad de Psicología, in Madrid, Spain, in cooperation with the World Dignity University initiative. We very much thank Associate Professor Saulo Fernández at the Facultad de Psicología, UNED, for convening this conference together with Professor Emeritus José Francisco Morales Domínguez at UNED. For the latest information about this event, please visit the conference webpage .

Please Save This Date
Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict

December 10 – 11, 2020
Teachers College, Columbia University
New York

We hope you can join us for the 17th Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Columbia University in New York City. Please see this review of last year's workshop. For more information, please also see the workshop webpage .
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
A world without humiliation dignifies us all!