Your Personal Invitation!

Dear Linda,

We warmly invite you to our "Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict," hosted by Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) in cooperation with the Morton Deutsch-International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), Teachers College, Columbia University.

This workshop marks 20 years of global collaboration! Please enjoy a pictorial review of two decades of dignity meetings below.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for joining us in this challenging journey toward dignity for all people and the planet!

heal a broken heart

The current state of affairs across the globe serves as a poignant reminder about the urgency — emergency — of sowing seeds of dignity! This workshop presents a rare opportunity for us to come together and reflect on two decades of courageous collaboration while energizing our shared efforts to keep moving forward!

We are eager to hear your insights on how you have sustained courage and nurtured hope and dignity amid adversity. What keeps you going? What obstacles have you faced? What has worked well or adds to your courage?

Whether you join us in person, join us on Zoom, or you are with us in spirit, your kind support is invaluable. We hope to welcome you to join us for meaningful discussions that will contribute to our collective pursuit of a more dignified world.

Registration is Free!

Zoom participation is unlimited; please submit your registration below.

In-person participation is limited; please email your request here.


Registration closes Monday, December 4, 2023

Zoom Registration

Workshop Program

This is a co-created workshop that unfolds as our community contributors share ideas, efforts, and experiences. We emphasize conversations and dignifying dialogue (rather than lecture presentations). Ultimately, we aim to inspire new collaborations and ideas for action.

Thank you for visiting the workshop website for the latest information.

There are additional details in our most recent Dignity Letter.


11:00 – 11:15 am

Welcome and GreetingsEvelin Lindner & Linda Hartling


11:15 am – 12:00 pm

“Carriers of Hope”Michael Britton

Meet and Greet – Small Group Dignilogues

Introduced by Janet Gerson


12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

“Effecting Change: Maintaining, While Venturing Beyond, Our Safe Circles”

David Yamada — Workshop Within a Workshop


1:30 ­– 1:45 pm

Bio-Break/Coffee Break (Zoomers please mute) — Chat Open

2023 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award


1:45 ­– 3:15 pm

"Seeding Dignity Through Collaborative Action"

Janet Gerson & Elaine Meis

           Small Group Dignilogues — Join a group focused on a topic of interest!

Please visit the workshop website for additional details.

3:15 – 3:45 pm

"Coming Together During Difficult Times"

Evelin Lindner, Founding President of HumanDHS and Global Ambassador


3:45 – 4:00 pm

Carrying the Message Forward — Concluding Appreciations and Inspirations for

Evelin Lindner, Linda Hartling, David Yamada, and Michael Britton


4:00 pm

Post Workshop Party!


Please Note:

This is a flexible agenda that includes musical and creative contributions.

Invitation to DigniGardeners or Creative Contributors:

If you would like to help as a DigniGardener, a small group dialogue host, or musical/creative contributor, please email us your idea by November 20, 2023.

All sessions will be recorded. If you do not want to be recorded, please kindly turn off your camera and microphone on Zoom.

Zoom Participants: Please kindly mute your microphone and turn off your video during plenary sessions to protect the quality of our electronic connection — Thank you!

Seeding Dignity in Times of Crises

Betty A. Reardon

1929 – 2023

Our colleagues at GCPE share this remembrance of Betty Reardon's remarkable life and work here.

In Memoriam

Betty Reardon


Global Campaign for Peace

We are deeply saddened by the recent passing of Betty Reardon, an internationally renowned peace educator and co-founder of the Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE).

Betty mentored and inspired generations of educators, scholars, and activists. Her presence at our annual workshop in New York City in 2018 was truly an honor. She joined us as we gathered to celebrate her protégé Janet Gerson, who was the recipient of the HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award. Betty Reardon will always be an inspiration to our entire dignity community!


A Father's Lessons and Losses from War

Evelin Lindner

Founding President, HumanDHS

Evelin Lindner's journey began in a family that was deeply traumatized by war and displacement. Evelin's father experienced many existential losses — including the loss of one arm. Lessons from her father inspired her life project dedicated to nurturing more loving dignity and solidarity in the world.

Announcing the Third Edition of an Inspirational Book of Peace Poetry and Art!

A Forest of Ideas | Ideals|

On Dignity and Peace

Francisco Gomes de Matos

Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at Universidade, Federal de Pernambuco

ABA Global Education Co-founder

Recife, Brazil

"Francisco Gomes de Matos is one of the most important present-day peace linguists, and in this book, he shares his brilliance and genius with the world most generously.’’ — Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs

Please see more at ABA Global Education.

20 Years of Seeding Dignity!

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Visit the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Website