Dignity Letter — May 2022

“The time has come for a redefining of the conduct of our relations —
of our relations with one another ... and all of our relations on our planet, Earth.

His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, from "Civilizations and Its Discontents — The Price of Human Dignity," The Wilson Center, March 16, 2022.
Together strong - Holding hands with earth texture
Dear Friend,

In a modern world, no one should have to die to preserve their dignity. Yet today people are being killed in many world regions — Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, to name but a few — and now also in Ukraine.

There are no isolated crises in today's interconnected world. Violent conflict — whether it arises in our communities, in our schools, in our homes, on our streets, or in any geographic region — becomes a threat to all. The aim of our research has always been to prevent all forms of violence, be it domestic violence or war and genocide, and to do everything we can to cultivate conditions that strengthen the dignity of all people and the planet.

We are in awe of the courageous members of our community who are working on the frontlines of peace and dignity throughout the world, especially in response to acute and emerging crises.

We hope this Dignity Letter offers YOU encouragement with news from our community highlighting opportunities for collaboration and conversation on the urgent topics of our times.


  • News for You — Planting Seeds for Peace and Dignity
  • Welcome to Our Dignity Conference in Amman, Jordan — "From United Nations to United People"
  • World Dignity University — Announcing Our Director!
  • Dignity Press Publications — Our Newest Books
  • A Remembrance — Honoring the Life of Evelin Lindner's Father
  • Highlights From Our 37th Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict
  • Dignifunding: Thanks to All Sharegivers!

Please note: Rather than sending numerous Dignity Letters throughout the year, HumanDHS sends fewer, longer letters. We warmly welcome your feedback about this approach.
News for You from Our Community
Planting Seeds of Peace and Dignity
Reflections on Ending the Use of Violence
An Essay by Michael Britton
Our HumanDHS Board Director Michael Britton offers a special message in support of everyone who works to preserve the dignity of all people while striving to end the use of violence.

In this essay, he observes: "The world is filled with overlapping, intersecting, cross-cutting patterns of violence. Victims often, though not always, make new victims. Reflecting on Ukraine, I think our stance in the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies community is that we wish the use of violence to stop. We stand for the end of all violence altogether..."
Dignifying Support of Ukrainian Refugees
Recognizing Zuzana Lučkay Mihalčinová
We have the deepest admiration for Zuzana Lučkay Mihalčinová who volunteered at the border between Slovakia and Ukraine, helping refugees desperately fleeing the devastating violence in the region. The refugees are primarily women and children seeking safety. Zuzana described her experience as "emotionally and physically demanding" requiring "crossing our own limits" to respond to yet another man-made tragedy.

In addition to her work with refugees, Zuzana recently delivered a talk at the 17th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English, "Transmodern Literatures of Limit," convened in Zaragoza in the province of Aragonia in Spain. The title of Zuzana's talk was "Human Dignity in the Transmodern." To learn more, please visit the conference website.
The Ukraine Emergency
Gary Jones extends his humanitarian efforts in Poland
After decades of remarkable humanitarian efforts on the African continent, Gary Page Jones has recently been on a mission in Poland, where over 2 million refugees have arrived from Ukraine in search of sustenance and protection. Gary’s focus is securing access among refugee cohorts to special medical treatment and post prophylaxis, especially for survivors of sexual violence.

Gary reports that this work is "Never easy at the best of times, but the outpouring of support from the Polish people, including government, communities, and households, is opening doors for me and making the seemingly impossible - possible."
May 29, 2022
5:30 PM BST
(British Summer Time)

The 50th Anniversary Lecture of the Beshara Trust
"Unity in Humanity: Where Two Hands Meet"
Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
Exerpt: "Truth should be adhered to in presenting historical facts, while at the same time concentrating on the values of love, peace, and respect, so that we can raise a generation that believes in coexistence with others and respect of their values. This is a project that requires our concerted efforts in order to contribute to the making of our history based on dialogue, cooperation, and integration, rather than on conflict and clashes." Please read more...

A statesman and peacemaker, His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan has worked for decades to promote peace, interfaith dialogue, and humanitarian justice.

This will be an online webinar, free of charge.
Registration is via Eventbrite.

The Beshara Trust was founded in 1971 as an educational charity in the United Kingdom. It offers education not tied to any one form of belief, religious or otherwise.
One Who Dreams Is Called a Prophet
Community Peace Museums
Ethnographer Sultan Somjee, HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, has been involved in learning about and salvaging Indigenous peace traditions of ethnic peoples of East Africa, whose heritage has been devastated by wars and famines as well as colonialism and misrule of the political elites.

In his recent talk, sponsored by Bridgewater State University's African Studies Program (March 31, 2022), Somjee shared his groundbreaking efforts creating Community Peace Museums in Kenya.
Somjee also discussed his book, One Who Dreams Is Called a Prophet, along with his graphic novel, Alama's Walk, illustrated by his brother Sadiq Somjee.

We invite you to listen to Somjee's personal message recorded during our December 2021 HumanDHS workshop.
Announcing Carol Smaldino's
The Human Climate Podcast
In this episode — premiering Monday, May 16, 2022 — Carol Smaldino discusses efforts at global peace and conflict resolution. She hosts a conversation with Evelin Lindner and Linda Hartling of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network.

Welcome to Our Annual Dignity Conference
From United Nations
to United People:
From the Brink of Disaster
to a Future of Dignity
September 5 – 7, 2022
Online and in Amman, Jordan
Conceptual peace and cultural diversity symbol of multiracial hands making a circle together around the world the Earth globe on blue sky background. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
As His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal reminds us, "The time has come for redefining the conduct of our relations..."

Humanity is standing on the precipice of countless interconnected crises. How our current generations respond to these crises — from novel viruses, to climate catastrophes, to water scarcities, to famine, to the current threat of nuclear war — will determine the ultimate survival of all life on the planet.

This conference is part of our ongoing global community-building efforts, bringing together educators, scholars, activists, artists, and others — from all backgrounds and all walks of life — to engage in mutually dignifying dialogue on the crucial topics of our time!

This will be a hybrid conference hosted in Amman and online via Zoom, making it possible for friends to participate from all over the world! Please read more as the program develops...
We are honored to be convening this event in collaboration with The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS), under the patronage and with the participation of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Amman, Jordan.

We look forward to inviting a small group of HumanDHS members to join us in person in Amman. If you would like to be considered, please let us know as soon as possible so we can reserve space.
Registration: There is no registration fee; if you wish to participate, please email your inquiry, name, contact information, and brief introduction to: [email protected]. Please also indicate if you would like to participate online or in person.

You will be sent an electronic Registration/Appreciative Introduction form in August. Space is limited. Thank you for letting us know of your interest early, especially if you wish to reserve a space in person in Amman.
The World Dignity University Initiative News
New Books from Dignity Press
Coming Soon!
Economic Theory and Community Development: Why Putting Community First Is Essential to Our Survival
Congratulations to Howard Richards, with assistance from Gavin Andersson, on his new book Economic Theory and Community Development: Why Putting Community First Is Essential to Our Survival.

This book critiques not just neoliberal economics but also the fundamental separation among humans that all economic theories presuppose. In response, the author highlights community-based approaches now blossoming on all continents, and offers a field-tested philosophy and methodology to provide dignity for all while nurturing the biosphere. To order or read more...
Coming Soon!
From Humiliation to Dignity:
For a Future of Global Solidarity
Even as we watch cascading crises unfold around the world, our shared hope is for an exponential change of heart so that global unity — rooted in respect for diversity — becomes possible.

The central question of Evelin Lindner's newest book is: How must we, humankind, arrange our affairs on this planet so that dignified life will be possible in the long term? This book is a "must read" for all who care about the survival of life on this planet. We invite you to read a downloadable synopsis of this upcoming book, and check the Dignity Press website for updates about its release.
Dignity Press books explore the dynamics of human dignity and humiliation from diverse standpoints and global perspectives. Contributing authors are from all over the world. In addition to these books below, we invite you to visit dignitypress.org for a complete list of publications.
A Remembrance
Honoring the Life of Paul Lindner
We are sad to announce the passing of Evelin Lindner's beloved father, Paul Lindner, May 3, 2022. He survived the tragedy of war and displacement to build a life of deep compassion for people and all creatures.

For the last two years, Evelin has been caring for her father as an integral part of her dignity work. She shares, "He got his life stolen by Nazi Germany in the most cruel ways, and I felt it was my duty and honor to give him dignity at the end of his life."

"He was such an exceptional man — I always felt that even a Mandela or a Gandhi could have learned something from him — therefore I wish to make his light visible with a book titled Letter to My Father."

Schedule for Our Future Dignity Conferences!
Global Dignity Conferences:
Continuing Our Connections
and Collaborations!

We are continuously adapting the schedule of our upcoming Dignity Conferences. We are deeply thankful to all of the hosts for their ongoing support and generous flexibility!

You are warmly invited to one or both of our upcoming conferences. Thank you for visiting our conference webpage regularly to follow the latest plans as they unfold.
A Warm Welcome to Our Future Dignity Conferences!

Please click on the links and pictures below to see the latest information on each of these gatherings.
If you would like to participate, there is no registration fee. Please send us a message introducing yourself. Thanks for including your contact information and tell us more about your interest.
(Images courtesy of Wikipedia)
Highlights From Our 2021 Dignity Workshop
Thank You illustration word cloud in different languages
Thanks to all who joined us online — and in spirit — for our 18th Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict last December!

The diversity and energy of the group exceeded our highest hopes. Friends from more than 30 different countries contributed to the conversations.

We hope you enjoy the following highlights!
A Gathering of Voices:
The Don Klein Invitation to Reflect Together
Michael Britton, Ed.D., opened our workshop with his talk titled "A Gathering of Voices." His message reminded us that dignity is the center of humanness.
Messages to the World!
Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo, shared a message that emphasized that one of our most important resources is "our ability to listen to others." He nominated Evelin Lindner as a representative of HumanDHS for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015 and 2016, followed by Inga Bostad's nomination in 2017.

Emmanuel Ndahimana hosted our 2015 Dignity Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, and he shared his vision of building the future on a foundation of shared humanity and driven by the values of ubuntu for a creative and dignifying global family.

Konstanze Abouleish has been one of the co-founders of the sustainable development initiative SEKEM in Egypt and part of its leadership team for more than 40 years. Her message encourages us to seek understanding of others by practicing empathy and love, by taking a deep and personal interest in others.

Please enjoy many more of these inspiring
The 2021 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award Recipient: Howard Richards
Peace philosopher Howard Richards was awarded the HumanDHS 2021 Lifetime Commitment Award. Evelin Lindner considers him to be one of the deepest thinkers of our time. His new book is to be published by Dignity Press soon. Please enjoy his message in acceptance.
From Humiliation to Dignity:
For a Future of Global Solidarity
Humanity is facing countless interconnected crises. In her compelling talk, Evelin Lindner emphasized that our current generation's response to these crises will determine the ultimate survival of all life on this planet.
Please enjoy the video recordings of our Dignilogue Sessions by clicking on the underlined text:

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #1: Dignity through Solidarity: What Can We Do to Make This Future Possible?
DigniHost – Janet Gerson
Dignicontributors: Emmanuel Ndahimana, Carol Smaldino, Lyndon Harris, and Joy Ndwandwe.

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #2: Creating Courage for Action in the Age of Cogitocide, Sociocide, and Ecocide
DigniHosts – Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner
Dignicontributors: His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Rebecca Tabacynski, Victoria Fontan, Evelin Lindner, and Femke Wijdekop.

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #3: Generating Dignity through Compassionate Justice
DigniHost – Philip Brown
Dignicontributors: Michael Perlin, David Yamada, Janet Gerson, and Tony Gaskew.

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #4: Plotting the Future of the World Dignity University
DigniHost – David Yamada
Dignicontributors: Evelin Lindner, Ulrich Spalthoff, Mara Alagic, and David Yamada.

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #5: Pathways to Solidarity: Dignifying Relationships with People and the Planet
DigniHost – Elaine Meis
Dignicontributors: New York Dignity Now, Philip Brown, Chipamong Chowdhury, the Hameln Dignity Now, and Zuzana Lučkay Mihalčinova (greetings).
— Moments of Awe and Wonder: Creative Contributions —
Ljoba Jenče kindly shared her
The Dignity Now Hameln Group sang Dona Nobis Pacem.
Lasse Moer offered meditations of music and nature from Norway.
George Wolfe shared a duet with
Mourning Doves and more.
Jingyi Dong shared her friend Cameron Jin's song to encourage himself and his friends during Covid.
Isabel Barroso contributed with Pau Casals' Quest for Peace: Cant dels Ocells ["Song of the Birds"].
Kathy Beckwith explained her work and sang her song You are Amazing.
Musical contributions from the Dragvoll Music collection.
— Bonus Sessions: Deepening the Dialogue —
A "Dream Team of Digniplanners" met regularly for six months to make this workshop possible!

Each member of the team heroically persevered through enormous challenges associated with the pandemic.
Their labor of love was the living embodiment of
"Dignity through Solidarity!"

A special thank you to Anna Strout for capturing many, many joy-filled pictures,
and to Fatma Tufan for faithfully recording our event!
Dignifunding: Thanks to All of Our Sharegivers!
We are grateful to all who sustain HumanDHS with action gifts and economic support!

HumanDHS does not have a paid staff, administrative assistance, or IT services. We are an "extreme, lean, green, but not mean" community, essentially a "do-it-together-with-dignity" community. We do not charge registration fees for events, yet we appreciate thoughtful contributions (according to one's ability).

If you would like to contribute, we warmly welcome your kind support:
Do You Have Dignity News?
We love sharing news that grows out of the global efforts of our HumanDHS community! If you would like to share your dignity news — positive progress, courageous action, promising practices, and alike — you are warmly invited to send it to our attention: [email protected].
Wishing You a World of Dignity in Solidarity!
In gratitude and solidarity!

Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration 
Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member 
Richard Slaven, PhD, Director of Dignifunding
Jane Hilken, MA, Publication Advisor
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