Welcome to Our Annual Workshop on
Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict
Workshop 2019
From a Virus Pandemic to a
Pandemic of Dignity:
How Can We Escape Complicity with Institutionalized Humiliation?

This is Our First-Ever Zoom Workshop.
Welcome to All Friends Throughout the World!

Thursday – Saturday, December 10th – 12th, 2020
11:00 am – 3:30 pm (New York time); Doors open at 10:45 am

This is our warmest welcome to our 2020 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, hosted by Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) in partnership with the Morton Deutsch-International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York City.

We are excited about convening our first-ever workshop on Zoom! This platform allows us to connect with returning and many new friends from around the world! We are looking forward to "DigniZooming" with all of you!

What makes this workshop so special?

  • This is a "co-created" workshop! This means it has grown out of the intellectual and creative contributions of many members of our HumanDHS community. We are deeply thankful to all who are sharing their time and energy to make this workshop meaningful and energizing for all!

  • This workshop is not a one-time event. Rather, it is part of a lifetime community-building effort aimed at cultivating mutually beneficial relationships and innovative ideas to stimulate constructive systemic change.

  • This is a transdisciplinary workshop. We are inspired by our participants from richly diverse backgrounds and experiences. This workshop is an opportunity to join others in understanding a wide range of perspectives about preventing and repairing humiliation while strengthening dignity in the world.

  • This workshop is highly participatory. Rather than lecture/presentations, we emphasize participation and conversation (Dignity + Dialogue = Dignilogues, rather than debate). Your participation is important to us. We hope you can join us for the entire workshop.

  • This workshop is a labor of love! HumanDHS does not have a paid staff, administrative assistance, or IT services. We are an "extreme, lean, green, but not mean" community, essentially a "do-it-together-with-dignity" community.

  • We do not charge a registration fee; however, we do have expenses (e.g., electronic services, communication expenses, etc.). If you would like to contribute, we warmly welcome your support according to your ability. Thank you!
How can you help make this a wonderful event for all involved?

  • Please kindly read the DigniZooming tips below.

  • Please keep an eye out for the Zoom link that will be emailed to you the night before the workshop. The same Zoom link will be used for all three days of the workshop.

  • In the days prior to and throughout the workshop, we will be very limited in our ability to respond to emails. Thank you for understanding.

  • Thank you for your kind support and understanding if we encounter technical problems during the workshop. All of us will be doing our best to navigate the Zoomosphere with dignity!
Conceptual peace and cultural diversity symbol of multiracial hands making a circle together around the world the Earth globe on blue sky background. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
Useful Preparation for the Workshop
  • Thank you for updating your Zoom app in advance.
  • Thank you for testing your equipment (e.g., volume, camera, etc.).
  • Thank you for practicing Zoom with a friend before the workshop.
  • Thank you for reviewing DigniZoom-Netiquette for smoother Zooming.
  • Thank you for downloading a copy of the program for your reference.
  • Thank you for arriving early, doors open at 10:45 am (New York time).
Please see the program evolve on our workshop website.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Useful Zoom Tutorials
Courage Grows through Connection!
Thank you for joining us in our efforts to support the dignity of all people and the planet!

Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration 
Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member 
Richard Slaven, PhD, Director of Dignifunding
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