
Every day is an opportunity to vote for dignity!

Thank you for your leadership and support as a distinguished member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board!

Please kindly allow us to send you an early invitation to our upcoming workshop! Since our Zoom space is limited (60 to 100 participants), we would like to offer you the opportunity to sign up first before we send this invitation to our entire community November 5th. Registration closes by November 20th.

The 17th Annual Workshop on
Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict

"From a Virus Pandemic to a Pandemic of Dignity:
How Can We Escape Complicity with Institutionalized Humiliation?"

This year's new schedule!
Thursday – Saturday, December 10 – 12, 2020, 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM (New York time)
To Register

There is no registration fee. If you wish to participate, please kindly complete this Appreciative Introduction/Registration by November 20th, 2020.
Space is limited.
This is our very warm welcome to — and reminder of — our upcoming Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, hosted in partnership with the Morton Deutsch-International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York City.

Thanks to a wonderful team of HumanDHS collaborators, we are diligently reformatting our annual workshop for "DigniZooming." This opens up many exciting possibilities, including welcoming many returning and many new friends from around the world!

Our theme this year is "From a Virus Pandemic to a Pandemic of Dignity: How Can We Escape Complicity with Institutionalized Humiliation?" Our dialogues will focus on examining timely topics, including social justice and policing, dignity education, dignity and spiritual diversity, and ongoing collaborations. Please see our meeting agenda as it evolves on our workshop webpage.

Rather than two long days, we are hosting this year's workshop on the Zoom platform over three short days, Thursday – Saturday, December 10 – 12th, from 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM (New York time). We hope this will make it convenient for local and global friends to join us.
Many Ways to Participate

  • Supporters: We welcome everyone to be a participant throughout the workshop by sharing your presence and active listening. This is the most important way to participate. Your presence is a present to all of us!

  • Careholders: We welcome all who would like to be part of our Careholder Team to help with logistics, including welcoming participants, overseeing our electronic bulletin boards, photography, gathering participant information, overseeing chat messages, and more. We warmly welcome returning and new friends to help with these vital leadership roles that make this workshop possible.

  • Pre-Planned Dignilogue Host, Co-Host, and Contributors: Again this year, we are inviting Pre-Planned Dignilogues (Dignity + Dialogue) that will act as portals to thoughtful conversations about urgent topics of interest. Dignilogue Hosts will organize their Dignilogue Session in advance, meeting with their contributors prior to the workshop. Since we never have enough time to say all that needs to be said, we invite all groups to continue their conversations after the workshop and, in this way, create ongoing dignilogue conversations.

  • Be a Dignigardener for a Connection-Reflection Group: We plan to invite all participants into small groups throughout the workshop to help deepen the dialogue in response to the Dignilogue topics. We especially invite returning friends to consider being a host in support of these informal groups. If you are a returning friend and would like to host such a group as a Dignigardener, please let us know! We will be delighted!
Share a "Message to the World"!
You are especially invited to create a video "Message to the World" (2 – 4 mins.) as part of our workshop and the World Dignity University initiative (WDUi). These videos will be shared during the workshop and posted online. We invite you to view Federico Mayor Zaragoza's WDUi message for inspiration.

Your message will be an encouragement to our entire community! Messages may be emailed to: [email protected].
A Message to the World
Former Director-General of UNESCO
Federico Mayor Zaragoza's message at the launch
of the World Dignity University initiative
You are also warmly invited to share...

  • Moments of Music, Movement, Poetry, and Other Forms of Creativity: Every year we look forward to having special music, movement, poetry, and other forms of creativity with us. If you would like to share your talent, we would love to hear from you. We encourage prerecorded music, readings, or activities (2 – 3 minutes) that we can share with everyone. Please email your gift of creativity to: [email protected].

  • Afternoon Co-Creativity/Deepening the Dialogue Bonus Sessions: If you have your own Zoom account and would like to organize and lead an afternoon "Co-Creativity/Deepening the Dialogue Group" on a topic of your interest, we warmly welcome your proposal. These groups will convene immediately following the workshop schedule on Thursday and Friday at 3:45 – 4:30 PM (New York time). Please send us your proposal for a shared activity or a hosted conversation. We look forward to including your idea.
Please see the program evolve on our workshop website.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Please Save These Dates!
Please Note: Due to the coronavirus pandemic,
we have rescheduled this conference to 2021.

Welcome to Our 36th Annual
Dignity Conference
"Global Vulnerabilities –
From Humiliation to Dignity and Solidarity"
September 21 – 24th, 2021, in Madrid, Spain
Welcome to our 36th Annual Dignity Conference in Madrid, Spain, titled "Global Vulnerabilities – From Humiliation to Dignity and Solidarity."

We thank Saulo Fernández and José Francisco Morales Domínguez for inviting us! If you would like to participate, please send us a message and follow the program as it evolves on our conference webpage.
Future Dignity Conferences in Early Development
Join Us in 2022 for This Conference!
38th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
in Amman, Jordan

We hope that the coronavirus pandemic will be behind us by then and we can meet face-to-face!
For the latest information about this gathering, please visit our conference webpage.
Join Us in 2023 for This Conference!
40th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
in Lahore, Pakistan

For the latest information about this gathering, please visit our conference webpage.
Courage Grows through Connection!
Thank you for joining us in our efforts to support the dignity of all people and the planet!

Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration 
Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member 
Richard Slaven, PhD, Director of Dignifunding
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