From Humiliation and Depression to Dignity: What Can We Do?
Research since 1997 at the Department of Psychology
at the University of Oslo
Hybrid lecture, both in person and on Zoom!
Time and Place
Wednesday, 21st June, 13.15 – 15.00
Room S328 (south wing, third floor, room 328),
Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo, Norway,
Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A, 0373 Oslo
Dear Linda,
You are warmly invited to this special colloquium!
In this colloquium, Evelin Lindner will present her concept of dignity and humiliation and relate it to some of the research projects conducted at the Department of Psychology. With respect to research on depression, for instance (see Ole Andre Solbakken et al.), it is relevant to note that a study from 2003 showed that the strongest predictor of major depression is a combination of loss and humiliation (Kendler et al., 2003).
With respect to pathways from humiliation to dignity, the work of Beate Seibt and Thomas Schubert on the concept of Kama Muta (Sanskrit: 'moved by love') is relevant, an emotion described as 'being emotionally touched' (see In the light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( and their report submitted on 1st June 2023, the Department of Psychology aims at raising awareness, particularly in its programmes of professional study, for the special needs of minorities.