Dear L + D,
Every school in which I have ever worked has somewhere between one and 100 stories of how men and women have been treated differently over the course of the history of their school...Some of that history is not so ancient.  

Just yesterday, Bill told Susie in a senior admin meeting that she didn’t have the proper perspective on women’s history month, and I thought to myself, "Did Bill miss lessons on irony in school, and if so, he could have at least appreciated Alanis Morissette's crib note version in the 90’s?" “Isn’t it’s like raaaaaaain on your wedding day. . .” I couldn’t help but hum to myself, “It’s like Billilll explaining women’s history implications to Susie in a senior admin meeting.”

I know Bill is a good person, but I think he sort of lost his mind, and he even missed the look that Susie shot him. It was basically, “How dare you explain implications of Women’s History Month?” mixed with a hint of “meet me out back by the dumpster”. Or maybe a little like this:
It suddenly hit me that women, especially those in leadership roles, must be Jedi Masters of patience...What is there to do?


Alanis's Biggest Fan
Dear Alanis's Biggest Fan,

#Duh...I mean yes, you are right that women leaders have had a lot to deal with, and overcoming the way that the world works differently for them is just one of them. By the way, rain on your wedding day is just coincidence and not ironic. Just saying.

Anyways, my advice is that if you are aware of this ridiculousness, the best thing is to be a part of the solution instead of the problem. You might want to pull Bill aside and share with him the subtle, obvious clues he missed with his colleague. Also, spread the world about Wonder Women! This four-day women’s leadership retreat is an opportunity for current or aspiring women leaders to connect and learn together in a mansplaining-free-zone. This type of fellowship is much needed because I think we all know what would have happened if Susie had actually met Bill by the dumpster. It would not have been pretty.

So pass it along, spread the word, and it is nice that you are FINALLY realizing this is a problem.
Do you have a question or dilemma for Dear L+D? Send it to [email protected]
Dear Readers: It always takes courage to step up and lead and it takes courage to explore our own behaviors, narratives, practices, and decisions that may hold us back from doing our best work. L+D offers programs for school leaders at all points in their careers and in all roles in schools. Many of our programs allow participants to look critically and intentionally at the way they impact and influence and to explore ways to be more effective and human. Wonder Women! is an amazing opportunity AND take a look at some of our other programs listed below.

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