Dear L + D,
I write to you in hopes that you have the antidote to my winter malaise. I am a middle school assistant principal who moved into my role this year after having been a classroom teacher at this school for many years. I started the year with high hopes for how I could change the school by looking at everything we do through a different lens. My colleagues don’t seem very amused, though. These people used to be my allies and friends, and now that I’m out of the classroom, I am starting to feel like Grover in this classic Sesame Street video:

Now, I know Grover is supposed to be the exasperating one in this scene.  But to me, Grover knows what’s up: he’s looking at the problem in as many ways as he possibly can.  Maybe there is POISON on the rim of the bowl and this guy is missing it because all he can focus on is the fly.  Grover is asking questions, and he’s adjusting his approach, in as good-natured a way as only Grover can, to respond to his customer’s understanding of the problem.  

I am new to leadership and I need some help figuring out how to speak with the staff so they stop making assumptions and start looking all around the soup with me.  If I’m honest, I also want them to return to seeing me as furry and loveable, rather than just a monster. I’ve seen there are some summertime leadership seminars out there, but I’m wondering if there are ways I can get some support throughout the year next year.  Any ideas?

Yours in Questioning the Status Quo,
New School Leader

Dear Questioning,
You may not know it yet, but you sound to us like an L+Doer. We hear a lot of stories like this, especially from mid-level school leaders, whether they are new to their role or have been in it for years. Every school community usually has at least a couple of folks like you: excited about the potential for change, experimental, and suspicious of the status quo. More curious than certain. A learner not a knower.

Fortunately, we’ve got the leadership professional development experience for you: The L+D Fellowship. We respond to your Sesame Street video with a classic Muppets scene to illustrate:
The L+D Fellowship is a year of learning to don your green, furry vest with pride and sing your “Mahna Mahna” from the rooftops. The program gathers fifteen diverse school leaders from around the country, from public, charter, and independent schools, in a year-long experience that offers support in learning how to develop as a futurist, change agent, and design thinker. Fellows meet in person in the fall and the spring, and virtually once a month during the school year. The program includes deep reflection and leadership practice, as well as the chance to undertake a change project with coaching throughout the year. And even though there will always be cute pink clones who shake their heads at you, the Fellowship will give you some serious Mahna Mahna persistence.

You can find more information about the Fellowship program at this link , as well as registration information. Your timing couldn’t be more perfect: the application process opens up this Friday, February 1. We hope you’ll apply.


P.S. At least when we gather in person, we are also serious Snackcercizers:

Do you have a question or dilemma for Dear L+D? Send it to [email protected]
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