IEBC rolled out a new performance-monitoring dashboard for the California Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) schools. Dashboards are an excellent match for CAPP, which brings together multiple educational segments to prepare all students for success in college, career and life.
Data play a key role in forging informed partnerships between higher education and high schools, so that all players are doing what it takes to prepare more California students for college. The new dashboards include several new metrics to help identify students who may need extra support.
IEBC added new metrics, including Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), CA Dream Act financial aid and math progression, after surveying CAPP partners to find out which indicators provide partners with the best information to help students. The dashboards provide access to information in one location that not all partners may have and allows access from anywhere.
"The new dashboards will jumpstart very important conversations about what students need to succeed and when they need to receive it," IEBC's Jordan Horowitz said. "This will be an important tool in addressing the needs of historically underserved populations in the state."