Since 1998, we’ve conducted Mission Tours every summer – until 2019. That was the last set of Tours we were able to conduct due to the COVID crisis with all of its lockdowns and fear mongering.
Now, after five years of waiting, we were able to conduct two Mission Tours in the summer of 2024. This COLD WATER will highlight those results. And remember, the totals we share never reflect the true number of respondents.
There are always people who come, get saved and receive healing that we never see, record or interview. Only in heaven someday will we know the full scope of our outreaches here.
Our July Tour Group consisted of four saints. Three were from California, and one was from Tennessee. |
Our August Tour Group consisted of ten saints. Eight were from California. One was from New York, and one was from Oklahoma. |
As usual, our crusades include joyful singing and dancing with those who attend. This is always a great way to connect with the people before the Lord. It helps them relax and trust us with the gospel message. |
When the people trust us, its easy to bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus. The harvest field here is as ripe as any on planet earth. |
And after people receive Jesus, we always give them literature in their own language which explains to them what has happened to them, and how to proceed in attending a good church, and feeding on the word of God. |
Reaching children is never an after-thought in our crusade work. Time is taken to separate the kids, so we can teach them about Jesus with songs, puppets, booklets, pamphlets and whatever else can be utilized to reach them at their level for Jesus. |
Jesus loves the little children. They are precious to Him, and to us. |
For me personally, reaching the elderly is especially rewarding. They suffer in pain and isolation in most cases, and their time on earth is short. I’m so thankful to God we get to reach them before their eternal departure. | |
Here are the results for our two Mission Tours. Overall, 1,890 souls were
reached with the gospel.
Of that total, 1,571 made the decision to receive Jesus and declare their faith in Him as Savior. And then, 1,092 souls testified to their healing: either instant and complete, or partial and improving after prayer.
Click on the Philippines Expansion photos to get a better view. It will be a downloadable PDF. |
Overall Ministry:
Financial Support: Agree with us for a steady level of support that continues to increase. We’re feeding on God’s faithfulness (Psalms 37:3).
As our COLD WATER newsletters indicate, we’re busy about the Father’s business, reaching, teaching and training brothers, sisters, pastors and leaders worldwide, especially in the Philippines.
Our goal is to reach at least ONE MILLION SOULS for Jesus in our ministry’s lifetime. Your partnership enables us to keep reaching out like this, one person at a time.
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Ethel and I want you to know how important you are to the on-going work of MKMI in the Philippines, and around the world. As we move into the fall of 2024, we have great faith in our God, believing He will meet all of our needs, in Jesus’ Name.
The Lord has given us the “green light” to start construction on the rebuilding of our house in the compound. Therefore, we have started this project by faith.
Whether it be our overall financial needs day-by-day, or the funds necessary to build for the future in the Philippines, your prayers and financial support enables us to do all of this.
And remember, your financial support means you get a tax deduction here in this life, and in the next life, you get the same rewards we get someday soon in heaven.
Never forget this truth: THOSE WHO GO NEED THOSE WHO SOW. Once again, we say: THANK YOU!
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Please take note of the dates for our upcoming live streams:
Dates: Fall Livestream schedule: 9/26, 10/17, 11/7, 12/19.
Time: 7:30pm Arizona time, which is 10:30am Philippine time, the next day.
Dates and times are always subject to change, per the leading of the Lord.
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And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. John 4:36 | |
The worldwide harvest of souls is larger than it has ever been. Our regular crusades and summer Mission Tours in the Philippines always reflect that truth.
This being the case, believers must realize that in order to reach as many as possible in the time we have left, we must work together. We must work as a team. Not everyone in Christ is called to be an evangelist - but we are all called to evangelize (Mark 16:15-18).
Doing that starts with an attitude of total commitment to the cause of Christ. Lukewarm Christians need not apply (Revelation 3:16).
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A Christian’s total commitment to soul-winning starts with an understanding regarding life and death - and the eternal finality of divine judgment. Next, soul-winners understand that not everyone has the same assignments or responsibilities.
There are Sowers and then there are Reapers. No matter which one you are, you’re important! Every team member must never forget that when people die, they go up or they go down, and whichever way they go, they go forever.
The reality that God’s judgment is eternal is both exciting and terrifying simultaneously. Exciting for those who are saved, but terrifying for those who aren’t. Just read the true story about the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31.
Here’s something else Jesus said along these lines: And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear; Fear Him who, after He has killed, has the power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him! Luke 12:4-5.
I’ve said it a thousand times, and I’ll keep saying it: There are no parole board hearings in hell! Imagine spending an eternity in (not just on) a lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 20). That’s spiritual reality, whether people believe it or not!
That’s why some of us do the sowing, while others do the reaping, but all of us should be doing something significant! Working together, we can partner with Jesus to pull people out of the fire (Jude 23) now, and be equally rewarded eternally in heaven later on. Think eternity!
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Daily Devotionals. Find them on our Mike Keyes Ministries International Facebook page.
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.
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