MKMI’s church network is called ATWOC, which stands for All The World Outreach Church. We have close to 300 ATWOC churches nationwide, located in the central and southern areas of the country. This month’s COLD WATER will highlight one of our many ATWOC youth organizations in the Philippines. From the start, the planting of our churches has always placed a high premium on the outreach to the youth of the Philippines. These young people represent the next wave of committed, on-fire soldiers for the Lord Jesus. There was a time when it seemed to me like things were not developing with the ministry pace I had in my heart for my young sons and daughters in faith, but those days are long-gone! God’s hand is on these kids in powerful ways. Patience and persistence is being rewarded nationwide.

Here is our AYO Worship band in concert at a large youth conference last July in the city of Dumaguete, on the island of Negros.  

This group is called AYO, which stands for ATWOC YOUTH ORGANIZATION. They are based on the island of Cebu, where at the present time, we have 19 established churches. Their members come from some of those 19 churches. We are so proud of the work these young people are doing to reach their generation with the gospel. They are active in drama, skits, concerts, crusades and fiery praise and worship. They call their musical team AYO WORSHIP, and this summer, AYO has had several God-ordained opportunities to shine for the glory of the Lord through praise and worship. Take a look, and rejoice with us over the fruitfulness of their efforts in Jesus’ name. And remember, when you support MKMI, you’re supporting youth outreach like this. As I said, this is just one of many youth groups we’ve got on the front lines, preaching and singing the uncompromised Word of God to young people everywhere.  

All of their songs are sung in the Cebuano language, not English. This allows everyone to fully participate in praise and worship to God.

Our organist is also an accomplished lead singer. When the anointing of God hits this young man, it is wonderful to watch and enjoy! He has sung for us in our national youth conferences in Ozamiz, and as God reopens the country for international travel, we’ll have him back.

Your support to MKMI enables us to apostolically cover our churches, and youth groups that reach all over the country like this. This is just one of many youth groups we have working for Jesus in the Philippines.  

I’m so proud of these young adults. None of the youth in this band were even born when I first arrived in 1980. Persistence and patience pays off when you follow the Lord. Your support helps God multiply the seeds we’ve sown for all these many years. This is some of the fruit of your partnership with MKMI.  

This young lady has grown up under MKMI’s covering. We took care of getting braces for her teeth when she was younger, and now she’s a mighty woman of God doing things on stage like this.  Her parents are the Regional Directors for our churches on the islands of Bohol, Cebu, Leyte and Negros, where this concert took place. 

The Philippines is a rich, ripe harvest field for souls. Nationwide, the youth here are hungry for the power of God. Concerts like this one are used by the Holy Spirit to draw thousands of youth to Jesus. 

This is the result, wherever we hold crusades, concerts or outreaches of any kind. Young, old and everybody in between, they respond when we give altar calls. Your support enables this.  

We give all the glory to God. Without His grace and leading of the Holy Spirit, we would never be doing what we’re doing for Jesus. Thank you for praying with us, with them and with all of our churches nationwide. We’re going as far and fast as we can to win souls because we know, time is short, and Jesus is coming soon.  

AYO Worship has just released a new music video in the Cebuano language, entitled MAAYO KA. In English, that means YOU ARE GOOD. Of course, the “You” stands for God. They will be recording more Cebuano praise and worship songs in the coming weeks. I’ve encouraged them to include English sub-titles to their lyrics, although this one presently is purely in Cebuano. Here is the link if you’d care to watch and listen: https://youtu.be/BteLJ1ie3fE

Please pray with us for their successful outreach to the youth of the Philippines. If you wish to see what AYO is up to in the Philippines for us and for the Lord, here is their Facebook page address: facebook.com/atwocyouthorg



Rhema Bible Training Center is aggressively seeking Christians who are called to do something significant for Jesus with their lives in these last days. This is the Bible school that trained and prepared me before I was sent to the Philippines in 1980. What I learned provided me with the knowledge and foundation for success in ministry. The good news is that our RBTC school in Ozamiz City is available to do the same teaching and training for Filipinos. This school will elevate your abilities to serve Jesus with excellence. This school prepares you for success as an Ambassador of Christ. Contact us for all the details, and how you can enroll in our next trimester of teaching that begins in September. Contact info: Rev. Cheryl Carbajosa, School Director @ 09382071739, or Rev. Emmie Cabanag, School Administrator @ 09127609333.  

We appreciate your faithful prayers of agreement for these priority issues we’re dealing with now in the Philippines:  

In the Philippines:

Powerful Youth Outreaches. Through the summer of 2022, we’ll be conducting regional youth camps throughout our ATWOC church network. Agree with us for many salvations and dedications from those in attendance. Also agree that every region will have the budget met to conduct each youth camp with no financial pressures. 


Ministry Income. Agree with us for steady and sufficient monthly income to run the ministry and continue all avenues of outreach without interruption. We’re feeding on God’s faithfulness (Psalms 37:3). As our COLD-WATER newsletters indicate, we’re conducting our outreaches in select villages and isolated locations. Your support enables us to send our teams of preachers or singers wherever the Holy Spirit leads.  

Ethel and I want you to know how important you are to the on-going work of MKMI in the Philippines, and around the world. We are presently in a good position financially and expect that to be the case as we move through the summer of 2022. We believe we’ll get back to the Philippines as soon as possible, to resume effective and full-scale ministry operations. But wherever we are, we know we have got partners like you to lean on, as we all stand in faith for complete victory over this global pandemic attack of the enemy.   

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8


The greatest gift God has given to us is free will. We can choose life, death, blessing, cursing, good or bad. It’s not up to God, and it’s not up to the devil. The Lord wants to bless us in this life and spend eternity with Him in heaven. The devil wants to torment us in this life and drag us to hell for all eternity when we die. But who does what is all up to us! God desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4), but He won’t violate our power of choice. He’ll let people reject Him if that’s what they want. Jesus stands at our front door and knocks, but He waits until we open the door and let Him in (Revelation 3:20). Choose Jesus. Make Him Lord of your life. Choose to live right, in every way. Choose to be a radical soul-winner for the Lord. Give God the opportunity to bring blessings, protection, provision and fulfillment into your life. It’s your choice!  

In these perilous times, Christians need to prioritize their lives in every way possible. With a world paralyzed with fear for the future, the need for end-times separation is critical. We must be different! The apostle Paul outlined three basic areas where he separated himself for the Lord, and we need to know what they were, and how we can apply them in our lives to be as steady and as strong for Jesus as he was. End-Times Separation is our newest audio teaching that has been released, and is now available to you in either CD or USB flash drive formats. 

Go online at www.mkmi.org, go to the Products tab, and under Audio Teaching Sets, find our newest audio teaching to order.  



Please take note of the dates for our upcoming live streams:

Dates: August: 25, Sept. 1, 8, 29.

Time: 7:30pm Arizona time, which is 10:30am Philippine time, the next day. 

Dates and times are always subject to change, per the leading of the Lord. 

Daily Devotionals. Find them on our Mike Keyes Ministries International Facebook page. 
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.   

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