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Our 10th book has just been released and is now available. This book, entitled “The Mandate of Must” is all about 8 specific areas in scripture which every Christian MUST know, MUST do and MUST tell others. Its all about prioritizing our daily walk with God, and our daily outreach to the world. This small book can be read in an hour or less, and can be conveniently carried in pockets, backpacks or purses. Get your copy today! Refer to the product section in this newsletter for details on how to order.  

Using the support and aid you send; we are continuing to provide financial aid and assistance to our damaged or destroyed churches as they work to rebuild from December’s Typhoon Odette. This month, we’ve included pictures showing our on-going efforts to help Pastor Jusay rebuild his parsonage, which was totally destroyed by the typhoon. We are also providing help to his church members, and additional materials to rebuild his damaged church. Pastor Jusay is one of our Bible school graduates, and after graduation, went back home into a very remote mountainous area of Mindanao. We are honored to help this man rebuild his anointed work amongst the tribal and mountain residents up where he lives.  


In the remote, interior mountains of Mindanao, Pastor Jusay stands in what is left of his home, the parsonage he built nearby to the church he pioneered after graduation from our Bible school.


As always, we insist on receipts from on-site operations that prove the money we’ve given is being used for the purposes we (and you) designate.  


If “official” receipts cannot be obtained, we insist on hand-written accounting of every dime and dollar our people receive from us.   


While construction work is going on for the buildings, equipment and furnishings are purchased to replace needed items destroyed or lost during the storm. Here is a stack of plastic chairs for people to sit on once the church and parsonage structures are restored.  


Purchased materials are bought, shipped, delivered and stockpiled before the rebuilding project begins. Here you see wood for the framing of the parsonage walls and roof, along with rolled up tin to be used for roofing once the studs are nailed in place. 


Here is a bucket of roofing nails, specifically designed to attach the tin sheets to the wooden roof frames. You can see this isn’t a very secure system when strong storms come along, but poor people in the mountains have no choice but to work with materials like this. Stronger materials are not available up in the remote areas where many of our churches are located.  


Once construction begins, materials like this piece of lumber are hand-carried, cut and hoisted up to where carpenters sit up top to begin the process of laying a new roof.  


The first order of business is to rebuild the roof by removing damaged lumber and replacing it with newly purchased wooden cross beams.  


Once the support lumber is nailed in place for the frame, the tin roofing sheets are overlaid and nailed to the wooden cross beams, one piece at a time.  


As the roof is being installed, work begins below to position the studs to rebuild walls, doors and windows that disappeared during the storm.  


Here are some of Pastor Jusay’s church members, receiving bags of rice and sardines from MKMI after Typhoon Odette destroyed their pastor’s parsonage, and many of their homes. Your contributions make it possible for us to help brethren like these in times like this. 

(Pastor Jusay is in the front row, third person from the left).   

We want you to know that every dollar given towards our outreaches in the Philippines goes directly to helping people cope with natural disasters like typhoons, earthquakes and the like, or as part of our spiritual outreaches to share Jesus in our crusades. We don’t just blow in and blow out! We give the poor the gospel, as well as much-needed food and clothing before we leave. Not one dime or dollar is ever diverted to “administrative costs”, as it is with many other humanitarian or ministerial organizations. We thank you for what you’ve given and encourage you to continue with your prayers and financial generosity. Thank you for doing what you can to help!  And remember, your gifts are always tax-deductible.    


Rhema Bible Training Center is aggressively seeking Christians who are called to do something significant for Jesus with their lives in these last days. This is the Bible school that trained and prepared me before I was sent to the Philippines in 1980. What I learned provided me with the knowledge and foundation for success in ministry. The good news is that our RBTC school in Ozamiz City is available to do the same teaching and training for Filipinos. This school will elevate your abilities to serve Jesus with excellence. This school prepares you for success as an Ambassador of Christ. Contact us for all the details, and how you can enroll in our next trimester of teaching that begins the first week of June 2022. Contact info: Rev. Cheryl Carbajosa, School Director @ 09382071739, or Rev. Emmie Cabanag, School Administrator @ 09127609333.  

We appreciate your faithful prayers of agreement for these priority issues we’re dealing with now in the Philippines:  

In the Philippines:

Typhoon Odette. Work is progressing in multiple locations, rebuilding churches and parsonages destroyed or damaged by this huge storm from last December. Agree with us for generous donations to continue to be sent to MKMI USA, which we will wire overseas to help our affected ministers, families and church members. 


Ministry Income. Agree with us for steady and sufficient monthly income to run the ministry and continue all avenues of outreach without interruption. We’re feeding on God’s faithfulness

(Psalms 37:3). As our COLD-WATER newsletters indicate, we’re conducting our crusade outreaches in select villages and isolated locations. Your support enables us to send our teams wherever the Holy Spirit leads.  

Ethel and I want you to know how important you are to the on-going work of MKMI in the Philippines, and around the world. We are presently in a good position financially and expect that to be the case as we move through the spring of 2022. We believe we’ll get back to the Philippines as soon as possible, to resume effective and full-scale ministry operations. But wherever we are, we know we have got partners like you to lean on, as we all stand in faith for complete victory over this global pandemic attack of the enemy.  


Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And with all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7


Never forget this truth: God so loved the world He sent Jesus to the cross, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). God loves people more than anything else, so if you want to win souls more than anything else, you become wiser in God’s eyes than anyone else could ever be (Proverbs 11:30). That’s why wisdom is the principal thing, because seeing souls saved is the principal thing with the Lord. Soul-winners get this – they understand. They know what is most important in this life. Outreach! Evangelism! Missions! So, understand why wisdom in God’s principal thing, and what the eternal rewards are that come with that understanding (Daniel 12:3)! Make the choice to get involved in the work of the Great Commission (Mark 16:15-18). If the Lord is not calling you to go physically and personally, be sure to support those who are. Everybody needs everybody else! It’s a team game!   

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Now more than ever, Christians need to know what they must do, say, and tell others. This book identifies eight biblical mandates we must address and fulfill in these last days. These mandates are not God’s suggestions or requests. They are His commands. Therefore, they must be made top priority each day. By doing so, we allow God to be great in our lives, providing us with all the blessings to be prosperous, protected, and successful. 

If you want to make an eternal impact on the world around you for Jesus, you need to read the contents of this powerful new book. Order your copy of THE MANDATE OF MUST today. Go online at www.mkmi.org to order, or call our Tucson office to place your order directly.



Please take note of the dates for our upcoming live streams:

Dates: May 19, 26. June 2, 9, 23, 30.

Time: 7:30pm Arizona time, which is 10:30am Philippine time, the next day. 

Dates and times are always subject to change, per the leading of the Lord. 

Daily Devotionals. Find them on our Mike Keyes Ministries International Facebook page. 
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.   

Also, if you have friends who need to stay in touch with us through these newsletters, please forward this information, and have them add their email address to our ever-growing list of partners and friends of this ministry. Direct them to www.mkmi.info where they can submit their email at the bottom of the page.

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